Help:Reporting bugs

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Bugs and feature requests for Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) should be filed at the issue tracking system provided by GitHub[1]. As usual, all bug reports should answer at least the following questions:

  • regarding the environment:
    • Which version of SMW was used?
    • Which version of a related semantic extensions was used? (If applicable.)
    • Which version of MediaWiki was used?
    • Which server setup was used (PHP, MySQL, OS)?
  • on examples for the bug:
    • Can the problem be viewed online in a public wiki? (If yes, provide its URL.)
    • Can the problem be reproduced on a test page on a sandbox site? (If yes, provide its URL.)

Improvements and patches can also be discussed on the developer mailing list. You can also view the current bug list form Semantic MediaWiki online GitHub issue tracker (≥ 2014) or Wikimedia Bugzilla (≤ 2013). It might contain hotfixes, patches, or workarounds even for unsolved issues.

What about bugs previously added to Bugzilla? → See here for an answer.

How to get more information on your problem

Here are some tips to get more information on a problem, which will help us to solve it faster:

  • In general, it may also be useful to turn on debugging in MediaWiki. This should provide you with more instructive error messages in your log file.
  • If some page will not display correctly or causes critical errors, directly access the page in edit mode. To do that, edit any other page on your wiki and replace the page's name in the URL with the name of the broken page. Then try to remove parts of the page to find out what causes the problem, and include this in your bug report.
  • If you have a problem with inline queries, try format=debug to gather useful information for the developers. Please send this output with your bug report.

Pre-release testing

It is also possible to be a pre-release tester. This testing is done trough regular highlighting of small groups of functionality the developers would like to have tested prior to a release. You are welcome to join the team of SMW testers on GitHub and provide valuable support to the SMW Project.[2]


  1. Announcement of GitHub issue tracker, 2014-02-08
  2. Call for Testers, 2014-02-14

This documentation page applies to all SMW versions from 0.1 to the most current version.
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Help:Reporting bugs en 0.1