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Why Americans shouldn't demand a 'right to be forgotten'
Why Americans shouldn't demand a 'right to be forgotten'

Last year a European court ordered the online search giant to bow to people's interest in obscurity.

Check out Google's new logo

Google drops the serif in its biggest redesign since 1999.

Identical doppelgangers meet

Two women who live thousands of miles away have been brought together after learning they are real-life doppelgangers.

Apple seeks help to boost iPad sales

It's second time in two years that Apple has teamed up with a major tech company that focuses on business customers.


Smartphone app keeps track of every step Smartphone app keeps track of every step

Using modern smartphone applications to keep track…

Strange but true Strange but true

With Herald science writer Jamie Morton @jamienzherald…

More Technology
The Big Read: Leading the battle against paedophiles
The Big Read: Leading the battle against paedophiles

A dedicated team of public servants track paedophiles through the internet's murkiest areas.

Kevin Malloy: Get ready for the Uber moment
Kevin Malloy: Get ready for the Uber moment

Business disquiet about Uberisation is misplaced, writes Kevin Malloy.

EU demands 'peculiar, problematic': Google
EU demands 'peculiar, problematic': Google

Google has ridiculed demands by European Union antitrust regulators to change the way it displays search results as "peculiar…

'LOL generation' most annoyed by bad grammar
'LOL generation' most annoyed by bad grammar

It's the LOL generation that appears most annoyed by bad grammar and spelling slips, according to a survey by Dictionary.com…


How to get a game funded on Kickstarter
How to get a game funded on Kickstarter

How can game developers achieve crowdfunding success? A study by a data analytics firm has uncovered…

Ashley Madison hack sees spam emails rise

The company's researchers have observed a surge in spam activity since the breach, with attackers attempting to prey on…

Paul Thomas: Ashley Madison hack leaves no stomach unchurned

When is hacking good, and when is it bad? The Ashley Madison leak offers a curly conundrum, writes Paul Thomas.

Why are we obsessed with the super-rich?

You'd have thought that we would have got over our fascination with the wealthy. But we haven't.

Online life puts smiles on our dials
Online life puts smiles on our dials

According to a type of trend article popular in certain circles these days, the web is some kind of…

Windows 10: 75 million devices so far

The US software colossus is intent on seeing the new generation operating system aimed at computers, mobile and other devices…

Watch dad reacting to son's doll choice

When four-year-old Azai chose a doll for himself at the toy store, his dad's reaction was priceless.

Juha Saarinen: Fascinating insight into Internet of Things

The internet of Things - IoT - is a marketing buzz-term, but the whole thing will be upon us sooner rather than later, writes…

Jennifer Patterson: I'm on the Madison database, and it's changed what I share about my kids

Frankly, I was intrigued. Really? Eight million folks had signed up to have affairs with neighbors? What brought about that…

William Pesek: SoftBank boss gives Japanese economy a jolt
William Pesek: SoftBank boss gives Japanese economy a jolt

Foreigners don't have all the answers, but they are responsible for Japan's biggest corporate governance…

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