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'They must increase the quota'
'They must increase the quota'

Prime Minister John Key has rejected claims this morning the government is opening the gates to extra Syrian refugees.

Equal pay's punchline outweighs bawdy jokes

If National's gender-issue problems were limited to an ageing MP in superhero fancy dress offending women with bawdy jokes…

Clark urges PM to follow her on refugees

Former Prime Minister Helen Clark has revealed she asked Prime Minister John Key to follow the example she set with refugees…

Labour, Greens seek emergency intake of refugees

The Labour and Green parties will try to introduce urgent law changes for a one-off emergency intake of Syrian refugees.

Pressure mounting on NZ over refugees
Pressure mounting on NZ over refugees

The heat is on New Zealand to increase our three decade-old refugee quota and make an emergency intake as the refugee crisis…

Tragic photo rallies protesters
Tragic photo rallies protesters

The picture of a toddler lying dead on a Turkish beach was front of mind for many of about 100 protesters who gathered at…

Tracey Barnett: Would you host a refugee?
Tracey Barnett: Would you host a refugee?

Tracey Barnett asks, will our PM continue to defend the status quo of doing so little by any international measure? Or will…

PM wrong - doing nothing not an option
PM wrong - doing nothing not an option

COMMENT: When faced with the biggest humanitarian crisis on the planet today, John Key got it very, very wrong, writes Rachel…


Editorial: Crisis is tragic, and we have a duty to help
Editorial: Crisis is tragic, and we have a duty to help

No country can stand aside if it wants to be recognised as a fully participating member of the international…

Refugee crisis: Pressure on Key

Millions of refugees have fled Syria since 2011 but the number New Zealand has taken in would almost fit in one of Auckland's…

Backlash builds as MP offers apologies

Pakuranga MP Maurice Williamson, who was once lauded for his "big gay rainbow" speech in support of same-sex marriage, has…

List of shoddy schools kept secret

A list of the country's most leaky and mouldy schools is being kept secret by the Government so Crown ministers don't feel…

Inaction on Syria 'past unacceptable'
Inaction on Syria 'past unacceptable'

New Zealand currently has a seat on the UN Security Council and Murray McCully said there was more it…

Political roundup: Jacinda Ardern and the 'pretty little thing' debate

Jacinda Ardern's swift rise in popularity is provoking debate about the political direction of the Labour Party, it's leadership…

Nauru responds after NZ aid money put on hold

Government has put aid money for Nauru's justice sector on hold for what Foreign Minister Murray McCully said was Nauru's…

Farmers focus of Greens' climate plan

Agriculture would be given a five year window before being required to significantly cut emissions under a Green Party climate…

Iwi drop legal action over housing land

Auckland iwi will have right of first refusal to develop houses on Crown land - and have secured an agreement that 40 per…

Williamson's mayoral decision 'was due'
Williamson's mayoral decision 'was due'

Maurice Williamson, whose controversial speech has sparked complaints about "sexist jokes, was set to…

Alan Gamlen: Why NZ should raise the refugee quota

The man who usually cuts my hair is a lawyer from the Middle East living in New Zealand as a refugee. I vividly recall him…

Williamson's sexist, misogynistic jokes

Colourful backbench National MP Maurice Williamson accused of acting "like it was a stag do" at conference dinner.

South Island Maori close to charter school deal

Wealthy US businessman plans to lean on friends, including Microsoft founder, to raise up to $15 million for a new charter…

Claire Trevett: How to change the flag - let British win the Cup

All we have agreed on in this search for a unifying piece of fabric is that those it is meant to unify can agree on nothing…

Earthquake strengthening time halved for some buildings
Earthquake strengthening time halved for some buildings

Buildings with verandas and other features that could collapse into busy areas will need to be earthquake-strengthened…

Politics Archives

Best of Political Analysis

Brian Rudman Brian Rudman

Power cash handout an asset for all of us

Energy trust would be more loveable if its annual…

Bryce Edwards Bryce Edwards

Political roundup: Jacinda Ardern and the 'pretty little thing' debate

Jacinda Ardern's swift rise in popularity is provoking…

Claire Trevett Claire Trevett

How to change the flag - let British win the Cup

All we have agreed on in this search for a unifying…

John Roughan John Roughan

Alas, we'll never read Gair's inside story

Gentlemanly political veteran was privy to momentous…

Politics videos

SIS looks to boost surveillance powers SIS looks to boost surveillance powers

The SIS, the country's domestic spying agency, looks…

Greens 'won't be shut out again' Greens 'won't be shut out again'

Russel Norman and Metiria Turei have been Green Party…

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Ponytail fails to shake PM Ponytail fails to shake PM

The ponytail-pulling antics of John Key appear to…

Key slumps in latest poll Key slumps in latest poll

John Key has plunged in personal popularity, dropping…

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Claire Trevett on politics

The making of Amy Adams?
The making of Amy Adams?

Amy Adams fits in with the "compassionate conservatism" tag Prime Minister John Key has used to describe his Administration…

More Claire Trevett on politics
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Bryce Edwards on politics

Political roundup: Is the media biased?
Political roundup: Is the media biased?

Too rightwing, too leftwing, too white, too male, too politically correct. These are some common complaints about the biases…

More Bryce Edwards on politics

Audrey Young

Audrey Young: Report paves way for CYF redesign
Audrey Young: Report paves way for CYF redesign

Children's Commissioner Russell Wills has done the Government a huge favour with his State of Care report this week, whether…

More Audrey Young

Matt McCarten on politics

Matt McCarten: Now for something similar ...
Matt McCarten: Now for something similar ...

The political world was stunned on Wednesday when David Cunliffe announced me as his chief of staff, writes Matt McCarten…

More Matt McCarten on politics

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