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Business Robert Reich

  • Small businesses to Republicans: Don't cut corporate taxes

    Small businesses owners have long joined with big corporations to back certain Republican candidates. But now they're breaking rank and telling congressional Republicans not to make the deal at the very top of big businesses’ wish list – a cut in corporate tax rates.  

  • Why Nike won't solve stagnant wages in America (+video)

    President Obama chose Nike headquarters in Oregon to deliver a defense of his proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership last week, as the company announced measures to boost its US manufacturing operations.  But Nike isn’t the solution to the problem of stagnant wages in America. Nike is the problem. 

  • Trans Pacific Partnership is more trickle-down economics gone wrong

    If the Trans Pacific Partnership is enacted, big corporations, Wall Street, and their top executives and shareholders will make out like bandits. Who will the bandits be stealing from? The rest of us.

July 31, 2015

Photos of the day 07/31

A sheepdog named Flash rounds up sheep during the 2015 Welsh National Sheep Dog Trials in Llanvetherine, Wales, Friday.

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