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Honkeiko colliery mining disaster

China [1942]
Alternate title: Benxihu colliery mining disaster

Honkeiko colliery mining disaster, deadly explosion that occurred on April 26, 1942, in a coal mine at Benxi, Liaoning province, China. The disaster killed 1,549 Chinese miners.

The colliery (called Honkeiko by the Japanese and Benxihu by the Chinese) was located near Benxi Lake in the ore-rich region of eastern Liaoning province. It was part of a coal and iron operation established there in the early 20th century as a joint Chinese-Japanese enterprise that gradually came under the complete control of the Japanese. The Japanese invaded the Liaoning area in the 1930s, and during the Sino-Japanese War (1937–45) they forced Chinese labourers—some of whom had been captured from local military organizations—to work in the mines. Conditions in the mines were deplorable; food was scarce, and the workers’ clothing was in tatters. The flimsy shoes issued by the mine lasted less than one week. Diseases such as typhoid and cholera flourished in the camp. The Japanese overseers were harsh disciplinarians and used pick handles to force miners to their shafts. The mine was surrounded by a guarded perimeter.

Gas exploded in one of the shafts on April 26, 1942, and sent flames bursting out of the entrance. In the immediate aftermath, guards were stationed at the shaft opening. Miners’ relatives from the surrounding area rushed to the scene and were rebuffed by the guards, who soon erected an electric fence to keep unauthorized personnel away from the site. It took 10 days to clean out the shaft as corpses were carried out in carts to a mass grave. Many of the victims were burned beyond recognition. After the disaster the mine continued to be operated by the Japanese until August 1945, when the miners took control of the site following the Japanese surrender.

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