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Should a bar refuse to serve a pregnant woman?
Should a bar refuse to serve a pregnant woman?

A heavily pregnant woman is annoyed at being refused a glass of sparkling wine on her wedding anniversary at an Auckland…

Do you support Govt plans to charge GST on all online purchases?
Do you support Govt plans to charge GST on all online purchases?

Prime Minister John Key says it is inevitable the cost of online shopping will go up as GST is charged…

Is the transport price rise justified?
Is the transport price rise justified?

Adult cash fares are increasing by 25 per cent on Auckland buses and train trips, in order to encourage…


Mike Hosking: You can hate the port, but not success Mike Hosking: You can hate the port, but not success

Ports are the cutting edge of an economy, writes Mike…

John Armstrong: Key magic will struggle to stop Peters juggernaut John Armstrong: Key magic will struggle to stop Peters juggernaut

Last night's 3News-Reid Research poll has Winston…

More Opinion
Should the Alternative Commentary Collective be saved? You told us
Should the Alternative Commentary Collective be saved? You told us

Cricket's governing body, the ICC, has banned the Alternative Commentary Collective and our readers are not happy. Here…

Trees versus developers: Is the law wrong?
Trees versus developers: Is the law wrong?

Owners of the Paturoa Road sites, John Lenihan and Jane Greensmith, have released an open letter saying a threatened 500-year-old…

How can we make tourists safer on our roads?
How can we make tourists safer on our roads?

Five foreign drivers have appeared in court over the past seven days charged with dangerous driving in different parts of…

Should a gym stop an exercise class if someone collapses?
Should a gym stop an exercise class if someone collapses?

An investigation is under way at one of NZ's largest gyms after an instructor continued with a group fitness class after…

Your Views

Should the Govt fund Team NZ again?
Should the Govt fund Team NZ again?

Team NZ appears set to receive funding from the Government again. Is this the right move? Vote on the…

What do you think of the backdown by SkyCity for govt assistance?

SkyCity is no longer seeking a government contribution to build its controversial convention centre. Do you agree with the…

Should the Govt walk away from the SkyCity deal?

Stumping up taxpayer money to help meet SkyCity's cost over-runs on the convention centre is now the Government's "least…

2015 Halberg finalists: Who missed out?

The Halberg Awards honour the achievements of NZ athletes during the 2014 calendar year. Thirteen different sports feature…

Should NZ join the coalition against Islamic State?
Should NZ join the coalition against Islamic State?

Any New Zealand commitment of military assistance to counter Islamic State militants in Iraq should…

Has Auckland got its 10-year budget right?

Aucklanders have seven weeks to provide feedback on a draft 10-year budget that, according to Mayor Len Brown, includes…

Does NZ need a sugary drinks tax?

More than a third of Kiwis believe fizzy and other sugary drinks should be taxed. Does NZ need a sugary drinks tax? Vote…

Is the 'zero tolerance' speed campaign working?

The police policy of targeting drivers as little as one kilometre an hour over the speed limit has been called ridiculous…

Are electricity prices rising too quickly?

Residential electricity prices rose again on average in 2014, outstripping inflation and pushing up the cost of living. Last…

Does Auckland need a better road network?
Does Auckland need a better road network?

Did the weekend's traffic chaos expose Auckland's weak road network? Share your views here.

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