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Charter school could lead to 'revolution'
Charter school could lead to 'revolution'

A wealthy American businessman wants to set up charter schools in New Zealand that he believes could lead to an education…

House gift a thank-you to high school

"I like to help the community," said the businessman who's donated a two bedroom bungalow to an Auckland high school to…

Principal skips conviction for pupil slap

A principal at a private West Auckland school who admitted slapping a 14-year-old boy with the back of his hand has avoided…

ICT qualification 'essential'

The lack of students leaving secondary school with Information and Communications Technology qualifications has been a concern…


Video: California cops crack down on rampant cardboard theft video Video: California cops crack down on rampant cardboard theft

In a sunrise surveillance, authorities aim to curtail…

Cricket: Captains miss high five video Cricket: Captains miss high five

Both have captained their country and have dealt out…

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Sport adds to study success
Sport adds to study success

Swapping studies for sport kept two Auckland schoolboys on track to score this year's highest marks in the national secondary…

Graduates flock to booming IT industry
Graduates flock to booming IT industry

In November last year Datacom attended the New Zealand Job Fair in Sydney, organised by the Ministry of Business, Innovation…

Book cuts will hit hard, says Labour
Book cuts will hit hard, says Labour

The scrapping of nearly one million book loans to schools each year will let down students who are not prepared for digital…

Sports analysis puts students on track
Sports analysis puts students on track

Students taking part in a sports technology course at an Auckland high school will attend the training sessions of top teams…


Rick Ede: University-centric view risks losing talent
Rick Ede: University-centric view risks losing talent

Students who missed out on University Entrance should know their aspirations for higher education, and…

Should schools know if kids have HIV?

Parents of children with HIV are under no legal obligations to inform their child's school - despite several schools having…

Winning too often? Time to swap sides

Auckland school children on a winning streak may have to play for the opposition if they're beating them by too many points…

Teen painter receives world's best marks

A NZ student who took only two years of art classes has received the best subject marks in the world in the Cambridge International…

Student's NCEA app beats NZQA version
Student's NCEA app beats NZQA version

A young web designer and his former teacher have shot to the top of the class with an education app…

Iwi kids' school progress shown

Education Minister Hekia Parata has released figures for the first time showing iwi by iwi how Maori children do in early…

Schools keep bullying to themselves

New Zealand's bullying problem may be going unchecked because schools do not want to share their problems nationwide.

Dita De Boni: Book cuts revive zombie warning

Last year, two notable New Zealand economists warned of dire consequences if our regional economies were allowed to run…

Te reo no longer silenced

Several generations ago, children who dared to speak te reo Maori at school were cruelly silenced.

Schools' BYO tissue demand irks parents
Schools' BYO tissue demand irks parents

Schools' latest stationery demands are making some parents mad enough to cry - especially the discovery…

Education Archives

Primary Education

Tips for first day at school
Tips for first day at school

Settling into a routine as soon as possible is one of the best ways to give your child a good start to school, a leading…

More Primary Education

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