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United Nations Development Group Delivering Together for Development
UN House/UN Common Premises Transaction Model

UN House/UN Common Premises Transaction Model

This website was developed by the UNDG Task Team on Common Premises (TTCP) to provide UN Country Teams (UNCTs) with background information and necessary tools to be used to establish a UN House or UN Common Premises.  These step-by-step instructions will enable your Country Team to:

  • Prepare a UN House/UN Common Premises proposal
  • Obtain the necessary supporting documents
  • Understand the decision-making process in the TTCP
  • Understand the reporting procedure/requirements between the respective HQs and UNCT


UN House is a building shared by the four Executive Committee (ExCom) Agencies (i.e. UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and WFP), that has been designated as such by the Secretary-General.  However, in cases where there are less than four ExCom Agencies present in a country, UN Houses have been designated with as many of the ExCom Agencies as are present in the country.

UN Common Premises is a building shared by two or three ExCom Agencies, even though more ExCom Agencies are present in the country. These buildings have not been designated by the Secretary-General.

This distinction does not apply to funding sources; the TTCP reviews proposals for both UN Houses and UN Common Premises.


The Task Team on Common Premises (TTCP) consists of one Principal Member from each of the ExCom Agencies, their Deputies and the TTCP Secretariat. The TTCP is tasked with providing guidance and tools for UNCTs which intend to engage in UN House/UN Common Premises renovation, construction and/or relocation projects.

As the ExCom Agencies have funds available for such projects - albeit in limited capacity - the group meets regularly to review and approve proposals for said projects, as well as discuss premises-related issues. Please note that TTCP responsibilities constitute only a portion of the scope of TTCP Members' jobs. For further information, please see the TTCP TORs (link required), or navigate to the ‘Contacts’ (link required) page.


The UN House process has 4 main phases, each with various steps.