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United Nations Development Group Delivering Together for Development

Asia & Pacific Region
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Country Teams  
Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia
China Dpr Korea East Timor Fiji
India Indonesia Iran Lao Pdr
Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar
Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines
Republic of Korea Samoa Sri Lanka Thailand

Regional Directors 
Country Team
Mr. Haoliang Xu  Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, New York   Chair of Regional UNDG Asia-Pacific (UNDP)    
Mr. Hiroyuki Konuma  Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok  FAO   
Mr. Yoshiteru Uramoto  Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok   ILO   
Mr. Daniel Toole  Regional Director, East-Asia Pacific Regional Office, Bangkok  UNICEF EAPRO    
Ms. Karin Hulshof  Regional Director, South Asia Regional Office, Kathmandu, Nepal  UNICEF ROSA   
Ms. Nobuko Horibe  Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok   UNFPA   
Mr. Kenro Oshidari  Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok  WFP   
Mr. Nicholas Rosellini  Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, New York   UNDP   
Mr. Donald Clarke   Director, Planning and Partnerships Division, Bangkok  ESCAP   
Ms. Matilda Bogner  Regional Representative for South-East Asia , Bangkok  UNOHCHR   
Ms. Roberta Clarke  Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok   UN Women   
Mr. Bruce McCarron  Regional Director for Asia, Europe and Middle East, Copenhagen  UNOPS   
Mr. Steve Kraus  Director, Regional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok  UNAIDS   
Mr. Yoshinobu Fukasawa  Regional Director, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Fukuoka, Japan  UNHABITAT   
Mr. Jeremy Douglas  Regional Representative of the Regional Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok  UNODC   
Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh  Regional Director, Regional Office for South-East Asia, New Delhi   WHO SEARO   
Dr. Shin Young-soo  Regional Director, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Manila   WHO WPRO   
Mr. Gwang-Jo Kim  Director, Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, Bangkok   UNESCO Bangkok   
Mr. Hubert Gijzen  Director and Representative, Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Jakarta   UNESCO Jakarta   
Mr. Chin Pen Chua  Representative and Director of Regional Office, Bangkok  UNIDO   
Mr. Kaveh Zahedi   Regional Director and Representative for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok   UNEP   
Ms. Daisy Dell  Regional Director, Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Geneva   UNHCR   
Mr. Oliver Lacey-Hall  Head, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok   OCHA   

sdjhfdsjhfdsjhLast change : 1.5.2014 by: iori.kato

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