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Peculiar plane’s perplexing path perturbs Peckham pedestrians; possible police purpose proposed

Posted at 3:30 pm, July 29, 2014 in News, Secret London
Mystery Plane over London

[Photo: FlightRadar24]

A mystery plane was seen flying around and around south London last Wednesday. With no call-sign, the anonymous aircraft spent several hours following quite the bonkers flypath over Lewisham, prompting SPECULATION, as this is not the first time such activity has been observed over London’s skies.

Ominously, when asked about the plane, Boris Johnson would only comment: ‘For operational security reasons, it is not appropriate for MOPAC (Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime) to respond.’ 

It’s all fertile ground for conspiracy theorists across the city. A couple of clues:

ONE: According to Londonist, a subsequent mystery flight (this time over Romford) had the call-sign G-UMMI.

G-UMMI? As in…

gummi bears

Coincidence? I think not.

TWO: Just look at that flight path.

Mystery Plane GIF 1

Look closer…

Illuminati Plane London

What don’t they want us to know? We’ll keep asking the tough questions until we get to the truth. The gummi, gummi truth.

Gummi Bears Illuminati

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