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Escape the rubbish weather and holiday with a celebrity (sort of)

Posted at 3:30 pm, May 6, 2012 in Hotels & Travel

Lisa FaulknerGiven that its been raining constantly for as long as anyone can remember, you’re probably thinking about getting the hell out of London. And if we’re honest, we really don’t blame you. But where to go? If you’re the sort to spend half an hour dithering around on travel websites before panic-booking another fortnight in Majorca, we’ve got a mini-series of events that could be right up your street. Not just any old events, mind – celebrity events.

Kicking off at the Athenaeum Hotel at 7pm on May 15, Destination Inspiration aims to help get you on your way to the incredible break you (probably) deserve, with guest speakers talking you through the travel trends of the moment. Wilderness tamer Ray Mears is hosting the first event – which is focused on outdoorsy type breaks (sadly now all sold out) – before fashionista Caryn Franklin takes the reins on May 30 and foodie queen Lisa Faulkner (above) rounds it all off on June 7. Oh, and there’ll be ‘goodie bags’. Yeah – now you’re interested. Register now – or just keep staring out the window at the puddles and whinging. Up to you. David Clack

Head to inspiration.laterooms.com.

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