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Look out for the giant loo roll in front of St Paul’s Cathedral this Friday

Posted at 8:00 am, July 10, 2014 in News

st pauls ©Nick Page
[Photo: Nick Page]

When tourists pose for a selfie at St Paul’s Cathedral this Friday July 11, they may be slightly confused as to why there’s a giant three-metre-high loo roll blocking their view. Allow us to explain.

From 8am until 5pm, this here toilet roll will be on display to raise awareness of bowel cancer symptoms, and representatives from the charity Beating Bowel Cancer will be there to answer any questions about it.

Scary fact time: Bowel cancer is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer and the fourth most common cancer. So if you don’t know much about it, it’s time to get educated. Symptoms can include a change in your bowel habit, a lump in your abdomen, or unexplained tiredness, dizziness or breathlessness (and more).

If you’re worried, want to find out more or feel the need to pose next to a bog roll, get your bottom down there as an early diagnosis can save your life.

For more information go to beatingbowelcancer.org.

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