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In tomorrow’s Time Out Magazine…

Posted at 5:30 pm, July 14, 2014 in Arts & Entertainment
Time Out Magazine


It’s Monday evening and that can only mean one thing, Time Out Magazine is going to be thrust into your hand tomorrow morning. In anticipation of that glorious moment, allow us to give you a sneak peek of what to expect in those fair pages.

As the big Lionel Richie face on the cover suggests, for this week’s mag we’ve been up all night to discover all the amazing things going on until the small hours and beyond. Want to know about after-hours clubbing, drinking, dining, culture, sleepovers or self improvement? We’ve got you covered.

And that’s just for starters. We also take a stroll around east London with artists Gilbert and George, track down London’s best grilled cheese sandwiches, play a lot of ping pong, try to have a threesome, find the best things in London archways, meet monkey man Andy Serkis, get excited about Lovebox festival, inspect the new WWI art in the Imperial War Museum and delve into London’s top ten guilty pleasures.

Grab your magazine at your local tube station tomorrow morning, find it at a mainline station or pick it up from one of hundreds of locations across London, or subscribe for 50p a week

Or you can buy this week’s issue from Wednesday on your Apple or Android device to swipe, pinch and scroll through at your leisure.


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