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 Queen's birthday weather video Queen's birthday weather

The last nationwide long weekend in almost five months…

Raw: Monster waves caused Arctic break-up video Raw: Monster waves caused Arctic break-up

Large waves are apparently to blame for breaking up…

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Dubai gives its blessing to going green
Dubai gives its blessing to going green

Dubai is on a mission to cut power and water use as the rising costs of fuel and desalination threaten future growth.

'On the verge of the sixth extinction'
'On the verge of the sixth extinction'

Species of plants and animals are becoming extinct at least 1000 times faster than they did before humans arrived on the…

Drinking water from poo nearly ready for market
Drinking water from poo nearly ready for market

A technology for extracting drinkable water from manure is on its way to commercial application this year, a US university…

Extinct for 4m years, until found here
Extinct for 4m years, until found here

An animal believed to have been extinct for four million years has been found near Picton.

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