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Vast ocean found beneath ice of Saturn moon
Vast ocean found beneath ice of Saturn moon

Scientists have uncovered a vast ocean beneath the icy surface of Saturn's little moon Enceladus.

Mars rover prototype unveiled

It looks like a giant sandbox - except the sand has a reddish tint and the "toys" on display are very expensive prototypes…

Twin mission to study the effects of space travel

Nasa has revealed that one twin will be put in a rocket and the other kept on the ground as part of a study on the effects…

Big Bang breakthrough

American scientists operating a $23 million telescope in Antarctica have announced the discovery of what could be described…


60 Minutes features AB's Haka video 60 Minutes features AB's Haka

The New Zealand All Blacks are known for their traditional…

Fire near Wellington airport video Fire near Wellington airport

Central fire communications shift manager Jan Wills…

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Big Bang birth breakthrough
Big Bang birth breakthrough

Scientists have detected the enigmatic ripples in deep space that were triggered by the rapid expansion of the Universe…

The end is nigh, says Nasa
The end is nigh, says Nasa

Modern civilisation is heading for collapse within a matter of decades, according to a scientific study funded by Nasa.

Scientists to use giant lasers to blast away space debris
Scientists to use giant lasers to blast away space debris

Scientists in Australia say they have begun work on a project that will see lasers fired from Earth to blast away the thousands…

Big asteroid passes close to Earth
Big asteroid passes close to Earth

An asteroid the size of a football field was due to fly close to Earth this morning. So how often does that happen (you…


Spacesuit's repeat leak

An American-made spacesuit that leaked water into a helmet and threatened to drown a European astronaut had malfunctioned…

One step closer to Earth 2.0

The Earth's galaxy is looking far more crowded and hospitable. Nasa on Wednesday confirmed a bonanza of 715 newly discovered…

Rocket travel almost ready - Branson

British billionaire Richard Branson said his Virgin Galactic venture is on track to carry its first fare-paying passenger…

Brilliant Venus tricks eye with special glow

Scientists have finally come up with an explanation for a visual illusion that was first identified in the 16th century…

What's life like on the red planet?
What's life like on the red planet?

If your body was laid bare to the alien environment of Mars, the vacuum of space would boil every fluid…

Ants board the International Space Station

A colony of ants have set up home in the International Space Station as part of an experiment to see how their behavior…

Mars rock discovery mystery

A mysterious rock which appeared in front of the Opportunity rover is “like nothing we’ve ever seen before”, according to…

Space mission like landing a fly on a bullet

It has been "sleeping" quietly in space for more than two and a half years.

High-flying astronaut's Marlborough wish

World-famous astronaut Chris Hadfield says the place on earth he would most like to visit after his space odyssey is Marlborough…

Sun flips upside down
Sun flips upside down

The sun has fully "flipped upside down", with its north and south poles reversed to reach the midpoint…

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