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Paul Casserly: TV's Best Quotes - The Ides of March
Paul Casserly: TV's Best Quotes - The Ides of March

What to say about March? Historically it was a bad month for Roman leaders. I think the Caesar salad was invented this month…

Rebecca Barry Hill: Earth-bound eye candy
Rebecca Barry Hill: Earth-bound eye candy

If you've spent the first few years of your life in space, and the last few in a jail cell, before being bolted into a turbulent…

Dominic Corry: Hardcore cinema and The Raid 2
Dominic Corry: Hardcore cinema and The Raid 2

Inspired by The Raid 2: Berandal, Dominic Corry gets down and dirty with some bad-ass classics.

Chris Philpott: Time to say goodbye
Chris Philpott: Time to say goodbye

The feel-good ending is not an easy feat to pull off, yet two different shows - The Goldbergs and Raising Hope , both…

Entertainment Blogs

Chris Philpott: Big names, big ratings?

Chris Philpott: Big names, big ratings?

American network NBC did something crazy before the latest television season began: they offered The Michael J Fox Show a full season order, shunning the traditional pilot process and buying 22 episodes of the show before…


Paul Casserly: Poos, wees and symphonies

Paul Casserly: Poos, wees and symphonies

A "controversial" film that I helped make goes to air this Wednesday on Heartland (Sky17). The Grand Tour paired our national orchestra, the NZSO, with Jeremy Wells, on a whistle-stop trek to some of the grandest concert…


Chris Philpott: In defence of The Great Food Race

Chris Philpott: In defence of The Great Food Race

Chris Philpott says The Great Food Race might just be the most underrated show on television.


There's nothing like Lost

There's nothing like Lost

My first published work on the subject of television ran in an infamous Christian-right magazine in June 2010 to coincide with the final episodes of Lost , a mysterious sci-fi/fantasy mash-up about plane crash survivors…


Dominic Corry: French comedy goes all Apatow

Dominic Corry: French comedy goes all Apatow

During my oft-referenced French film junket trip to Paris late last year , I noticed a curious trend amongst the 44 subjects I interviewed. Many of them (screen legend Catherine Deneuve included) professed an affection…


Siobhan Keogh: The changing face of shooters

Siobhan Keogh: The changing face of shooters

The shooter is dead. Long live the shooter. At first glance, new Microsoft-exclusive release Titanfall may appear quite familiar. Oh, a multiplayer, first-person military shooter in a sci-Fi setting. Where have I seen…


Paul Casserly: Undercover spooks

Paul Casserly: Undercover spooks

Wigs. There was a time in New Zealand TV when wigs ruled. I recently watched a DVD of the excellent 1980s NZ comedy series Funny Business and marveled at the range of fake hair being pressed into service. The same wigs…


Bridget Jones: Full House fills hearts

Bridget Jones: Full House fills hearts

First, hello. My name is Bridget. I'm new here. Lovely to meet you. Now, the important stuff. When I went to San Francisco for the first time last year, there were a few things on my "must-do" list. Because of my timing…

Chris Philpott: Banshee's pulpy season finale

Chris Philpott: Banshee's pulpy season finale

This story contains spoilers. Do not read it if you haven't seen the second season of Banshee. Before we get to my review of Banshee's second season finale, I need to catch my breath - because that was utterly relentless. I…


Chris Philpott: Understanding your place in the world

Chris Philpott: Understanding your place in the world

As a kid, I loved the big event documentary series from Sir David Attenborough. The famous Life On Earth , The Living Planet and The Trials Of Life each had a profound effect on my formative years. I spent many nights…

Entertainment Blogs Archives

Forward Thinking

Lydia Jenkin: Dinner with a side of bad music
Lydia Jenkin: Dinner with a side of bad music

I'm not sure what it is, but many establishments seem to have taken the approach of treating their clientele as if they're…

Lydia Jenkin: Gimme Jimmy
Chris Schulz: Five acts we need in NZ now
How to spoil Game of Thrones
Lydia Jenkin: Big-screen romancing
More Forward Thinking

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