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Are scrums a waste of time?
Are scrums a waste of time?

Herald on Sunday rugby writer Gregor Paul looks at the stats and finds Super Rugby games have the ball in play for only…

What can be done to prevent driveway accidents?
What can be done to prevent driveway accidents?

An 18-month-old girl, Mila Tamihana, found with fatal injuries in the driveway of her West Auckland…

Jackson v Williams: Should we vote?
Jackson v Williams: Should we vote?

It is six months until the General Election. Is there really any point in voting? Richard Jackson argues…


Why I don't get Game of Thrones Why I don't get Game of Thrones

Unlike plenty of other escapist fantasies I've been…

Rattue: Fans can save speedway's GP Rattue: Fans can save speedway's GP

If Western Springs isn't chokka on Saturday, Auckland…

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Should the silver fern be NZ's new flag?
Should the silver fern be NZ's new flag?

A public referendum on NZ's flag will be held during next parliamentary term, and separately from the 2017 election. Should…

Herald readers name their all-time favourite TV shows
Herald readers name their all-time favourite TV shows

Last month nzherald.co.nz invited readers to vote on their five favourite television shows of all-time - and now the results…

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