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Calls for compulsory code of conduct
Calls for compulsory code of conduct

The Green Party has joined the chorus of voices calling for a compulsory code of conduct to ensure fair dealing between…

Which MP will join the Internet Party?

Claire Trevett asks: "Who is the mystery electorate MP Kim Dotcom has claimed will soon shed his or her political clothing…

Paul Spoonley: Chasing migrant votes would be good for democracy

Robert Peden made a plea on this page for voter participation as fundamental to a healthy democracy.

Key: No tax cuts, no big spendups

The May Budget will have no plans for tax cuts, Prime Minister John Key confirmed yesterday, and he sought to dampen expectations…

Sex abusers miss out on aid, MPs told
Sex abusers miss out on aid, MPs told

Many adult sex offenders have no options for rehabilitation, sexual violence services say, because there is no funding for…

Cunliffe hones tactics in war room
Cunliffe hones tactics in war room

Labour leader David Cunliffe has ejected MPs from the caucus room to turn it into a war room, moving all key political staff…

One school's stellar climb
One school's stellar climb

A little over six years ago, Selwyn College in Auckland was struggling.

Cartoon: Budget warning


Angry tirade cuts Cunliffe's briefing short
Angry tirade cuts Cunliffe's briefing short

A media standup by Labour leader David Cunliffe had to be cut short this afternoon after a man in a…

Key: No 'election bribes' in Budget

John Key says this year's Budget will continue to maintain discipline over Government spending and that the prospect of…

Michael Barnett: Shift in leadership of Auckland urgent

If we are to move at a pace that keeps Auckland in the game we need to move from a government-led economy to a shared leadership…

Fran O'Sullivan: IMF dulls shine on China trade goal

John Key won't be thanking the IMF for taking a little bit of the shine off his new joint goal for bilateral trade between…

Brian Rudman: Whales may be safe but let's not forget all the fish
Brian Rudman: Whales may be safe but let's not forget all the fish

Murray McCully is warning against indulging in "triumphalism". He fears that if we denigrate the Japanese…

video Key: Pre-Budget speech

Prime Minsiter John Key gave a pre-budget speech ahead of the National-led Government’s sixth budget.

video Key: 'No tax cuts in this budget'

Prime Minister John Key made a pre-budget address in Auckland, revealing some of what National will announce in the Budget…

Protection budget blows out by $1.3m

The police unit that protects the Prime Minister and other VIPs has had another budget blowout - this time by almost $1.3…

Minister urges activists not to goad Japanese

Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully says government and activists should not be gloating about a court decision to halt…

Large crowd remembers crucial battle
Large crowd remembers crucial battle

Prime Minister John Key acknowledges the New Zealand Wars as an important part of the country's history…

Morning-after pill warning

Women have been warned that widely-used morning-after pills might not prevent pregnancy if they weigh more than 70kg.

Citizen Liu admits charges

The businessman granted citizenship against official advice after a Government minister lobbied on his behalf has admitted…

Ngapuhi hapu get more time

Ngapuhi hapu have been given more time to nominate representatives for the organisation that will negotiate the iwi's Treaty…

Peter Lyons: Education shouldn't be ideological battleground

The headmaster turned up the other day with the local MP. I was sitting down the back of the staffroom.

Stuart McCutcheon: Govt plan threatens varsities' autonomy
Stuart McCutcheon: Govt plan threatens varsities' autonomy

The Government has introduced into Parliament legislation that will significantly threaten the autonomy…

Politics Archives

Best of Political Analysis

Claire Trevett Claire Trevett
Which MP will join the Internet Party?

Claire Trevett asks: "Who is the mystery electorate… More

Brian Rudman Brian Rudman
Dotcom soap opera's latest season is best yet

Whether he is a virus, or a puckish imp, sent by the… More

John Armstrong John Armstrong
Harawira has little to lose in vote share deal

Hone Harawira should think carefully indeed before… More

Audrey Young Audrey Young
Too many words and not enough Act

Tiny parties are rarely in the spotlight and rarely… More

Politics videos

Auckland housing market a potential risk - PM video Auckland housing market a potential risk - PM

Prime Minister John Key comments on the IMF release…

PM John Key on climate change video PM John Key on climate change

Prime Minister John Key comments on the effects of…

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Claire Trevett on politics

Claire Trevett: Harawira's dance with Dotcom a shortlived one
Claire Trevett: Harawira's dance with Dotcom a shortlived one

It is becoming a tradition when the Prime Minister is out of the country for the political krill to leap into the vacuum…

More Claire Trevett on politics
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Bryce Edwards on politics

Bryce Edwards: Polarised opinions on Dotcom's Internet Party
Bryce Edwards: Polarised opinions on Dotcom's Internet Party

Love him or loathe him - there's no doubting Kim Dotcom knows how to make an impression, writes Bryce Edwards.

More Bryce Edwards on politics

Audrey Young

Audrey Young: Too many words and not enough Act
Audrey Young: Too many words and not enough Act

Tiny parties are rarely in the spotlight and rarely get the chance to set the news agenda. Whyte squandered his opportunity…

More Audrey Young

Matt McCarten on politics

Matt McCarten: Now for something similar ...
Matt McCarten: Now for something similar ...

The political world was stunned on Wednesday when David Cunliffe announced me as his chief of staff, writes Matt McCarten…

More Matt McCarten on politics

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