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photos Fashion: Two become one

The boy meets girl formula resonates well with local designers who love to play on that dichotomy of masculine versus feminine…

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Rivers girls wallow in the shallow
Rivers girls wallow in the shallow

Joan Rivers, who for more than a half-century has turned her life inside out for comedy, is starting her fourth season doing…

Fashion: Two become one
Fashion: Two become one

She wears the pants. And the dress. This season’s layer of choice is the best of both worlds.

Business takes off from Facebook ads
Business takes off from Facebook ads

Six months ago, Ben Cardwell was a struggling uni student working part-time in a petrol station and living with his parents…

Cream provides top to bottom coverage
Cream provides top to bottom coverage

A baby bottom cream that has had UK mothers stampeding stores so they can apply it to their own faces has arrived on NZ…

Life & Style

NZ ranked #1 for social progress
NZ ranked #1 for social progress

A Washington-based think-tank has found that New Zealand is the most socially advanced country in the…

Dance party drug could treat depression - study

Ketamine, the illegal dance club drug, has successfully been used to treat NHS patients suffering from serious depression. Infusions…

Why chocolate really is the secret to happiness (+recipes)

Money may not buy happiness or grow on trees but when it comes to chocolate, it seems you can have both.

Circumcision: Like a vaccine?

A New Zealand academic says the authors of a study suggesting male circumcision has major health benefits have confused…

Why focus on female flesh?
Why focus on female flesh?

Shelley Bridgeman wonders why women are frequently criticised for the amount of flesh they reveal.

Prepare to be posh (+quiz)

Should you happen to come into royal contact, UK etiquette expert William Hanson has some tips to help you act more like…

Adultery site big in Japan

Ashley Madison, the world's biggest online hookup site for married people, works only when monogamy is the rule on the surface…

Science nod for caveman diet

For all the modern advice on how to shed the pounds, the best way to lose weight is by copying our ancient ancestors, a…

Cakes aim to sweeten sadness

An Auckland business is looking to brighten sad situations by delivering free cupcakes to people nominated through a new…

Son pushes mum to join cancer ride
Son pushes mum to join cancer ride

Troy Korewha was only three weeks old when his father died of cancer, but his dad's absence still weighs…

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How posh are you?
quiz How posh are you?

Are you posh enough to consort with royalty? Take this quiz to find out if you make the cut.

Stars' stylist shares secrets
Chanel creative slams selfie trend
Lee Suckling: Why are beards sexy?
Five controversial mag covers
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