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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Post-2015 Development Agenda

Consultations for a Post-2015 Development Agenda

The UN Secretary-General (UN SG) Report on accelerating progress toward the MDGs and the issues for advancing the UN development agenda beyond 2015 (A/66/126) stated that “[t]he post-2015 development framework is likely to have the best development impact if it emerges from an inclusive, open and transparent process with multiple stakeholder participation.

The UN system is uniquely positioned to foster this inclusive multi-stakeholder process and advocate for an agenda informed by national and local priorities.  UN agencies, funds and programmes can promote inclusive consultation process by identifying key groups, convening stakeholders, and informing the debate with relevant knowledge on development challenges, opportunities and solutions. 

To this end, the members of the UN Development Group (UNDG) have developed a project proposal to facilitate post-2015 consultations in at least 50 countries (the criteria for selection of the initial 50 countries are provided in Annex A of the Guidelines).  The oversight for this project is provided by the UNDG MDG Task Force.

The objective of the country consultations is to stimulate discussion amongst national stakeholders, and to garner inputs and ideas for a shared global vision of “The Future We Want”.  It will be important that the post-2015 debate is informed by inputs and ideas from a broad base of civil society, marginalized groups, and others previously left out of discussions on development priorities.

The Guidelines for country consultations on the post-2015 development agenda provide ideas for how to promote inclusive consultations with government representatives, and relevant stakeholders. They are designed to help UN Country Teams, under the leadership of the UN Resident Coordinators, to formulate their own, context-appropriate, consultation processes to inform the post-2015 development agenda. The Guidelines are not intended to be an exhaustive and prescriptive rulebook, but rather an instructive text with an array of useful tools and considerations that country teams may adapt to local conditions and realities. 

The Guidelines provide information on what financial and technical resources are available to assist with this effort (Section I); guidance on the process (II), content (III) and documentation of the consultations (IV); and outline what deliverables are expected at the end of the consultation processes (V). The Annexes to the Guidelines provide advice on who could be targeted for engagement, as well as the facilitation of meetings and communications with key groups.

The country consultations are expected to run from June 2012 until the end of the first quarter of 2013.  By June 2013, the results of the country consultations are expected to have been recorded and will feed into a global UNDG report that is expected to inform the post-2015 discussions.  


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Post-2015 Development Agenda Webinar
September 2013
Webinar for UN Resident Coordinators on the newest developments on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. This webinar features an overview of the political landscape, the issues at stake, the positions of major players, expected implications, and an update on the key post-2015 events during the 68th UN General Assembly.
Post-2015 Development Agenda: Guidelines for Country Dialogues
July 2012
Post-2015 Development Agenda: Guidelines for Country Dialogues
July 2012
Digital reader format

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UNDG Post-2015 Report A Million Voices: The World We Want
September 2013
A UNDG Post-2015 Report. This report collects the perspectives on the ‘world we want’ from over 1 million people around the globe.
The Global Conversation Begins: Emerging Views for a New Development Agenda
March 2013
Since August 2012 the United Nations system has facilitated an unprecedented series of consultations with people the world over to seek their views on a new development agenda to build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This global conversation responds to a growing call for active participation in shaping the ‘world we want’. Taking place well before governments sit down to negotiate and finalize such a new agenda, the consultations underway provide evidence and perspectives to governments on the challenges people face in improving their lives and those of their families and communities.
Post-2015 Development Agenda - August 2012 Webinar
April 2012
Report of the UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Official UN webpage on the post-2015 agenda
The World We Want 2015
Public consultation web platform on the post-2015 agenda jointly developed by the United Nations and Civil Society
Newsletters/Briefing Notes

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UNDG Peoples Voices - Issue 6 Dec 2013
December 2013
6th session (9-13 December 2013): means of implementation (science & technology, knowledge-sharing & capacity building); global partnership for achieving sustainable development; needs of countries in special situations (African countries, LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS, MICs); human rights; global governance
People's Voices - Global Post-2015 Conversation
November 2013
Issue brief to the SDG Open Working Group. 5th session (25-27 November 2013): sustained and inclusive economic growth; macroeconomic policy questions (incl. trade, financial system, debt) & infrastructure development; industrialisation and energy
Post 2015 Development Agenda Newsletter
November 2013
Issue 1