Weekday Early General News

Early General News breaks the latest news and offers in-depth analysis, forthright opinions and insight across all the issues of the day.

On an average day, almost half a million New Zealanders refer to Early General News as their point of reference on all that is important in our national life.

How readers engage with Early General News

Early General News epitomises what the news is all about, this is where people are in their most focused ‘serious’ mindset.

“To find out the issues and policies which will impact upon me. I see in today’s paper something about a new charging regime for petrol, so what does this mean? Do I change my behaviours because of this?”

Early General News engages readers at a ‘social’ level, ‘educating me’ and also ‘absorbs me’.

What does this mean for advertisers?

As the most highly read section of any New Zealand newspaper, Early General News consistently delivers an exceptionally large, broad audience of readers. The Herald provides an environment where consumers are actively engaged with the paper. For these readers, the advertising is as important as the editorial content for discovering the best deals, services and products in the market – in short, Early General News delivers results for our advertisers.

Reader Profile

Early General News delivers mass reach, with nine in ten Herald readers engaging with this content on a typical day. When compared to the average New Zealander, Early General News readers are likely to have access to high levels of discretionary income, making their spending power an attractive proposition for advertisers.






% of readers


Male 51.03%
Female 48.97%
Top 3 Socios 58.77%
Top 3 Occupations 25.97%


% of readers


Lifestage One – Dependent Children 2.51%
Lifestage Two – Independent Young Adults 17.31%
Lifestage Three – Adults with Young Families 16.86%
Lifestage Four – Adults with Older Children 16.86%
Lifestage Five – Empty Nesters 46.47%
Household Income $80,000+ 51.48%
Household Income $120,000+ 26.88%
Home Owners 60.14%
Mortgage Free Home Owners 31.89%



% of readers


I try to dine out once a week 136 14.58%
I usually plan and book my holidays online 115 37.81%
Work is more than just a job 112 48.06%
I am financially comfortable circumstances 112 37.59%
A healthy diet and exercise are essential 110 60.82%
People take my opinion seriously 109 46.24%
Source: Nielsen CMI Q4 2012 - Q3 2013 AP15+




Monday to Friday

