Weekday Business

From Monday to Thursday the Daily Liftout is fronted by the Business section, a highly credible and respected editorial environment that delivers a complete package of financial analysis, business news and market prices from the national and global markets. This section provides readers with the best market information on the key aspects of personal finance and the economy, in a concise format, on a daily basis.

On Friday The Business appears as its own magazine.

How readers engage with the Business Herald

Qualitative research has found that the Herald Business sections are perceived as having expertise, wisdom and intelligence. The advertising in Herald business sections is seen to be appropriate, well placed and aids the experience.

“It gives me a good overview of what’s going on. It has some quite good in-depth articles on what a particular company or a particular industry is doing.”

Business sections of the Herald engage readers strongly by ‘educating me’, it also ‘alters my thoughts and feelings’ and ‘absorbs me’.


What does this mean for advertisers?

The Business Herald delivers an affluent business audience and combines the twin benefits of a dedicated core readership of business- focussed readers, who are also high income earners. Business Herald reaches those within business who make purchasing decisions. Business Herald allows the advertiser the opportunity to influence key people within these organisations with who have responsibility for buying products and services for their company. Readers typically have a very high income and are likely to have disposable income to spend on “luxury” goods and services

Reader Profile

The Business content attracts well educated, driven decision makers, who are at the peak of their careers.






% of readers


Male 61.20%
Female 38.40%
Top 3 Socios 62.80%
Top 3 Occupations 33.20%


% of readers


Lifestage One – Dependent Children 0.80%
Lifestage Two – Independent Young Adults 15.20%
Lifestage Three – Adults with Young Families 13.60%
Lifestage Four – Adults with Older Children 18.80%
Lifestage Five – Empty Nesters 52.00%
Household Income $80,000+ 53.20%
Household Income $120,000+ 29.60%
Home Owners 65.60%
Mortgage Free Home Owners 36.40%



% of readers


Wine is an important part of my weekly shop 137 19.20%
The way my car looks is important to me 120 38.40%
I find it easy to deal with money matters 120 50.80%
The finer things in life are important to me 120 28.00%
I am in financially comfortable circumstances 119 40.00%
People take my opinion seriously 115 48.80%
Source: Nielsen CMI Q4 2012 - Q3 2013 AP15+




Monday to Friday

