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5 things ruining relationships
5 things ruining relationships

Why is it such a struggle to keep our relationships stress-free? Relationship expert Jill Goldson shares some common problems…

Shelley Bridgeman: What's the point of Twitter?

With such polarised approaches there's really only one conclusion to be reliably made about the purpose of Twitter...

To be Frankie: 10 lessons from unemployment

What lessons can I impart from my experience of having my confidence shot, my bank account filled with electronic tumbleweed…

Talk to the Animals: Top five alternative pets

When most of us think about pets it's cats and dogs that top the list. Sally Hibbard sheds some light on five alternative…

Relationships & Pets

Peter Pan proposes mid-show Peter Pan proposes mid-show

Sandor Sturbl stunned the audience and his girlfriend…

Peter Pan marriage proposal video Peter Pan marriage proposal

Watch the moment as an actress accepts real-life marriage…

More Relationships & Pets
Shelley Bridgeman: What do you do if you find cash?
Shelley Bridgeman: What do you do if you find cash?

At about 10am on Sunday January 12th, I found a $20 note at Woodhill Sands, an equestrian event centre west of Auckland…

To be Frankie: Exposing the life guts of a 20-something
To be Frankie: Exposing the life guts of a 20-something

It's happening. I'm writing online for the NZ Herald . I'm immediately going to start telling people in bars that I'm a…

Dave Shaw: Tricks fast food joints use to make you fat
Dave Shaw: Tricks fast food joints use to make you fat

Fast food joints lure you in and encourage you to eat way more junk than you need to fill your belly. Dave Shaw exposes…

Shelley Bridgeman: I'm a Candy Crush addict
Shelley Bridgeman: I'm a Candy Crush addict

"If you haven't already downloaded Candy Crush, my advice is: Don't."

Life & Style comment

Shelley Bridgeman: Weird things I've been wondering

Shelley Bridgeman: Weird things I've been wondering

Shelley Bridgeman had an idle summer break that made her ponder some burning issues.


Shelley Bridgeman: Why are villas so popular?

Shelley Bridgeman: Why are villas so popular?

Why does the villa, ubiquitous in old inner-city suburbs throughout the country, generate such approval?


Shelley Bridgeman: Girls wanted at boys' schools

Shelley Bridgeman: Girls wanted at boys' schools

Shelley Bridgeman ponders the trend for boys’ schools inviting girls in.


Rebecca Kamm: New year resolutions for feminists

Rebecca Kamm: New year resolutions for feminists

In her last ever blog post for nzherald.co.nz, Rebecca Kamm gives her top six tips to carry you through 2014 in "ultimate feminazi style".


Shelley Bridgeman: Is teamwork overrated?

Shelley Bridgeman: Is teamwork overrated?

Groups and teamwork have long been talked up but they may repel anyone with an ounce of creativity, writes Shelley Bridgeman.


Rebecca Kamm: 1 in 200 US mothers believe they are virgins (and other women's studies)

Rebecca Kamm: 1 in 200 US mothers believe they are virgins (and other women's studies)

A recently published study that's taken the easily amused internet by storm shows that 1 in every 200 mothers report "at least one virgin pregnancy unrelated to the use of assisted reproductive technology". In a sample…


Shelley Bridgeman: Is New Year's Eve overrated?

Shelley Bridgeman: Is New Year's Eve overrated?

I blame the dawn of the new millennium. Let's be frank: for most of us, New Year's Eve hasn't really lived up to expectations since we partied like it's 1999. There was all the anticipation of the Y2K bug that never eventuated…


A close look at Kim K's bod

A close look at Kim K's bod

In case you'd not noticed we live in a deranged society in which women's bodies are public exhibits, Us Weekly is now letting you "zoom in" on Kim Kardashian's "stunning post-baby curves!". Because picking apart celebrity…


Shelley Bridgeman: A gripe about kid's art

Shelley Bridgeman: A gripe about kid's art

I imagine parents need to dial down the effusive praise and cast a realistic eye over these artistic endeavours.


Blog: Parcel delivery problems

Blog: Parcel delivery problems

Years ago I discovered from personal experience that a private home makes an unsuitable address for a courier parcel.

Life & Style comment Archives


Roughan: Peters deal would carry price
Roughan: Peters deal would carry price

If Peters does a deal with National after the election - and he will, for reasons that will become obvious…

Declare a truce in war on drugs
Winston for PM? Maybe
Gaynor: Added value only way to go
Rebecca Barry Hill: Let's hear it for Girls
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