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Do you support deep sea oil drilling in NZ?
Do you support deep sea oil drilling in NZ?

It has been announced that Shell will drill for oil and gas in the Great South Basin off the coast of Otago and Southland…

Do you know which party you will be voting for in 2014?
Do you know which party you will be voting for in 2014?

National could work with Winston Peters' NZ First after this year's election, Prime Minister John Key…

Is action needed to stop Southern Ocean whaling?
Is action needed to stop Southern Ocean whaling?

Anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd says it is pursuing the Japanese whaling fleet after finding all five…


Roughan: Peters deal would carry price Roughan: Peters deal would carry price

If Peters does a deal with National after the election…

Declare a truce in war on drugs Declare a truce in war on drugs

Is this the beginning of the end of the War on Drugs?…

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