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5 things ruining relationships 5 things ruining relationships

Why is it such a struggle to keep our relationships…

Shelley Bridgeman: What's the point of Twitter? Shelley Bridgeman: What's the point of Twitter?

With such polarised approaches there's really only…

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Blog: I'm quite liking being kind
Blog: I'm quite liking being kind

I am counting the days until this year-long challenge is over. It will end in May, and I cannot wait to return to my former…

Pubs 'boost mental health'
Pubs 'boost mental health'

It's the excuse that many men have been waiting for - going to the pub with friends is good for their mental health.

Third of men spy on potential partners
Third of men spy on potential partners

More than a third of single men use social media to spy on potential partners - some using what they find online to cancel…

Elisabeth Easther: My son wants pink shoes, should I care?
Elisabeth Easther: My son wants pink shoes, should I care?

I am deeply ashamed of myself, pink-cheeked in fact and also terribly proud of my son, writes Elisabeth Easther.

Relationships & Pets

Talk to the Animals: Top five alternative pets
Talk to the Animals: Top five alternative pets

When most of us think about pets it's cats and dogs that top the list. Sally Hibbard sheds some light…

Lazy man? Blame his women

Men who have sisters are less likely to perform housework and more likely to fulfil traditional gender roles, researchers…

video Louise Thompson: How to say 'No!'

Louise Thompson shares her top tips on how to say No! and mean it.

Romantic gesture for bride's birthday goes viral

Strangers hijacked a man's plea for online birthday greetings to his wife, but the viral burst of one-up-manship gave the…

Paul Little: Children bring woe - and joy
Paul Little: Children bring woe - and joy

The news crossed the globe faster than Len Brown saying "yes please" to the offer of an upgrade. "Childless…

In love with baby on the way

Clementine Benjamin and Lewis Wallace are young, in love, and expecting. Clem, 25, thought she didn't want kids so when…

Wendyl Nissen: Happiness is the right to be right

As a supportive wife, I think it's important to let the husband be right on some things, writes Wendyl Nissen. Basic facts…

Adopt me: Wembly

Wembly (village no: 253283) This adult lop-eared male rabbit with brown and white colouring is known for his friendly…

A fresh outlook on love

When Liz Low married Joseph Beckett a year ago, Joseph wanted Liz to keep her own surname.

Gay unions 5% of marriages
Gay unions 5% of marriages

Almost 5 per cent of all marriages of NZ residents were between same-sex couples in the first four months…

Coming out and staying the distance

Monogamy is suddenly becoming popular in the gay community now same-sex couples can get married, an Auckland couple says…

Childless couples 'happier'

Children do not make for a happier marriage, according to a study that challenges some assumptions about what makes relationships…

Better to be open when crisis hits

When Craig Douglas' business fell apart in the recession, his first instinct was to shield his wife and children from the…

Love at end of long hard road

Mandy and Clair Cordo share the hard lessons they have learned on their journeys in this third story on love in the 21st…

Bain had convicted killer as groomsman
Bain had convicted killer as groomsman

David Bain's right-hand man at his wedding was a convicted murderer, rapist and former prison cell mate…

Relationships & Pets Archives

Life & Style

Review: Casablanca, Orewa
Review: Casablanca, Orewa

We'd walked past Casablanca, which opened on Hibiscus Highway a couple of months ago now. It's right next to our favourite…

No office required
Fashion: Cool runnings
Brunch: Federal Delicatessen, Auckland CBD
Armistead Maupin: Willing to be honest
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