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4KQ 693AM - Good Times & Great Classic Hits

Good times and Great Classic Hits! 4KQ 693. All the latest from Laurel, Gary & Mark  in the morning.


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Need to contact us?

Office number: (07) 3421 4973
Address: 444 Logan Road, Stones Corner Q 4120

Who owns Classic Hits 4KQ?
We’re owned by The Australian Radio Network, which is 50% owned by APN News and Media, and 50% by Clear Channel International.

How does Classic Hits 4KQ measure its audience?

Official surveys are carried out by Nielson Media Research. NMR conducts surveys for all the capital city radio stations in Australia, the results of which are released eight times a year. Survey results play a significant part in the sales and programming of a radio station. Commercial radio is a business, and therefore growth is based on revenue generated by advertising. If a station is rating well, clients will more likely buy advertising space on that station.

Is it hard to get a job in radio?
Because there are only so many stations in any given market, opportunities are highly sought after. But while you're waiting for that lucky break, there are several ways you can receive training, such as through the highly-regarded AFTRS’s courses, or some of the radio courses found in the Yellow Pages

Who decides on what goes to air?

The 4KQ Content Director is responsible for everything you hear on the air. For instance, the songs played, the presenters, the sound of the news and what competitions/promotions the station is involved in. (We also work to the ABA’s Codes and Standards to maintain high standards within the communities we serve)

How can I contact one of your on-air personalities?
Because it's not always possible to speak 'off the air' to our announcers, we have set up individual email accounts for all of our on air staff. 

Is there a cool-off period between winning prizes?
To ensure all of our listeners have an equal chance of winning, we enforce a standard set of terms and conditions which can be found on this website.

Does Classic Hits 4KQ offer work experience for students?
Every week we get many requests from students requesting work experience with Classic Hits 4KQ. Unfortunately, due to work place laws and insurance implications, we can no longer offer work experience.

Does Classic Hits 4KQ do lost and found pet calls or stolen property reports?
Because we receive hundreds of these calls every week, it is not possible to broadcast each one. 4KQ advises stolen property be reported to the Police as soon as possible.

When I call Classic Hits 4KQ why does the producer tell me not to ask the hosts, "How are you doing?"

In a typical show, lots of people phone in – and many ask this question. Usually, they're just fine. If they aren't, believe us, you'll hear about it without having to ask.

Is there another number to call if the studio line is engaged?
Sometimes when there is a hot issue or popular contents our phone lines become jammed.  If you hear an engaged signal when you call we ask that you are patient and try again later.

Why do I have to turn down my radio when I call Classic Hits 4KQ?
When you listen to 4KQ on the radio, you are hearing a "delayed" signal. That means that what you are hearing actually happened a few seconds ago. If a caller is talking on the air and listening to the radio at the same time, not only does it create confusion between what's "live" and what's "delayed," but it also creates feedback.

How can I have a Community Service Announcement aired on Classic Hits 4KQ?

All Community Service requests are reviewed on an individual basis. 

Why do you seem to play the same songs all the time?
Almost every music-based station in the world has defined a target audience and researched the music that is best-loved by this target market. This defines the initial playlist and after that there’s a lot of “variety” content added to keep it fresh. We never get complaints from people saying we play their favorite song too often, but we sometimes do about the ones they don’t like (which might be someone else’s favorite song!). We go to a lot of effort to minimize repetition issues, and welcome feedback on this.

If I call the studio, will I be put to air?

Not necessarily, but while we seek permission, all callers to an on-air studio should have an expectation that their comments may be broadcast – either live or delayed

Can I get a tape of something off-air?
We do not provide this service, except under court orders for The Police.

Is Classic Hits 4KQ part of some kind of industry body?
Yes, we’re part of Commercial Radio Australia – and at their web site you will learn more about the Australian Radio Industry and developments like Digital Radio

How do I win something?

Keep listening!
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