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Hanging on to resolutions Hanging on to resolutions

Of those who make New Year’s resolutions, only one…

Most Kiwis want more kip Most Kiwis want more kip

We are getting less sleep than we want and more than…

More Health
Fit teens cut heart attack risk
Fit teens cut heart attack risk

Keeping fit as a teenager can halve the risk of heart attacks much later in life, a study has found.

Sex is 'significant exercise'
Sex is 'significant exercise'

Ditch the diet and expensive gym membership, anyone who wants to lose weight this year needn't leave the bedroom, according…

Does bad sleep make you fat?
Does bad sleep make you fat?

Few people would argue with the idea that sleep is good for us, but not many of us know that a lack of sleep can cause weight…

Study: Spoon-fed bubs fatter
Study: Spoon-fed bubs fatter

Babies who are spoon-fed by their parents are more likely to become overweight, a new study has revealed.

Health & Wellbeing

The worst diets of 2013 revealed - expert poll
The worst diets of 2013 revealed - expert poll

Aussie experts have voted the two-week water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup fad as the…

Where do disorders start?

We've all felt sad, anxious or down at one time or another, but where does the normal experience of emotion end and the…

Cameron Diaz wants women to keep hair down there

Cameron Diaz says she's not in to the popular beauty habit of removing pubic hair.

Fat figures bulge since 80s

The number of obese and overweight people in the developing world nearly quadrupled to almost a billion between 1980 and…

Gwyneth Paltrow reveals new year detox plan
Gwyneth Paltrow reveals new year detox plan

If you overindulged this Christmas and are looking to jump on the New Year diet bandwagon, A-list health…

How we're eating our way to early death

It's a frightening figure - 11 per cent of early deaths in NZ are due to poor nutrition and obesity. So what can be done…

How to avoid back-to-work blues

Your mind is still at the beach, but your face may soon be staring at a screen of 300 unread emails. But it needn't all…

Dramatic weight loss inspires others

On January 1, 2013, bridalwear designer Sera Lilly got on the scales and was horrified at the number she saw.

Editorial: Right time to start battle of the bulge

The week after New Year is a testing time for resolutions to correct a bad habit. But it is a good time to make one new…

Tips for a bright new year
Tips for a bright new year

For many, last year was difficult. Danielle Wright finds ways to make the most of whatever hand you’re…

Alert over measles outbreak

Holidaymakers heading to Taupo, Turangi or Australia have been urged to make sure they're fully immunised after a measles…

Perils of ladders prove costly

Ladder-related injuries are costing Kiwis almost $17 million a year, and those aged 50 to 64 are taking the most tumbles…

Over 55s in denial about their health

Older Britons are in denial about their health, a survey has revealed. While life expectancy is rising, there is complacency…

Obesity study targets kindies

Early childhood education centres are targeted in a new study examining some of the root causes of NZ's growing obesity…

Big increase in risky back ops
Big increase in risky back ops

The number of patients who received state-funded spinal fusion surgery doubled in the decade to 2011…

Health & Wellbeing Archives

Nicky Park

Nicky Park: Avoiding sunburn
Nicky Park: Avoiding sunburn

Life & Style Editor Nicky Park didn't mean to, but she got sunburnt. This painful experience has prompted her to revise…

Minimising festive food waste
Nicky Park: Life & Style - this week's best bits
5 apps for good health (+WIN)
Nicky Park: Life & Style - this week's best bits
More Nicky Park
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