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Insane Clown Posse sue FBI for calling fans 'gang members'
Insane Clown Posse sue FBI for calling fans 'gang members'

Insane Clown Posse are suing the Justice Department and the Feberal Bureau of Investigation.

DiCaprio recalls near-death shark attack
DiCaprio recalls near-death shark attack

Leonardo DiCaprio is terrified of sharks after getting trapped in a cage with one. The Wolf of Wall Street star has revealed…

How to trip up at the Oscars
How to trip up at the Oscars

American Hustle star Jennifer Lawrence came crashing to the ground at the Oscars because she couldn't stop thinking about…

Five things the goss mags swear are true
Five things the goss mags swear are true

We trawl through the gossip mags, so you don't have to.

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