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Former Banks staffer seeks Epsom nod
Former Banks staffer seeks Epsom nod

Former Act on Campus leader and John Banks staffer David Seymour has changed his mind and will now seek the party's nomination…

Auckland cycle safety efforts 'too slow'

"A hippopotamus would be faster." Auckland Transport is being accused of dragging the chain in its provision of facilities…

McCready plans to file papers against Len Brown

Former accountant Graham McCready has Auckland Mayor Len Brown in his sights for his next legal endeavour and plans to file…

Shark finning gets total NZ ban

The finning of dead sharks will be completely banned by 2016, the Government has announced.

John Armstrong on politics

John Armstrong: Year ends on a high note for National John Armstrong: Year ends on a high note for National

You can count on three questions of national and international…

John Armstrong: Cutting tax tempting for National John Armstrong: Cutting tax tempting for National

To suddenly talk about tax cuts would send a very…

More John Armstrong on politics
Women MP target misses mark
Women MP target misses mark

Labour's target of selecting candidates to ensure women make up at least half of its caucus by 2017 has been given the thumbs…

Iran's man in New Zealand
Iran's man in New Zealand

Iran's ambassador to NZ, Seyed Majid Tafreshi Khameneh, talks to political editor Audrey Young.

Cycle advocates fear more deaths
Cycle advocates fear more deaths

Cycling campaigners fear more deaths or injuries in downtown Auckland unless an off-road bikeway being built through Grafton…

Smith wants more sea sanctuaries
Smith wants more sea sanctuaries

Conservation Minister Nick Smith says he aims to establish a record number of marine reserves around the coast this year…


$400k spent on payouts to MPs staff
$400k spent on payouts to MPs staff

Parliamentary Service spent nearly $400,000 on payouts for former staff in the second half of last year…

Disabled kids 'abandoned'

Child care law changes sought by lobby group after children denied right to family life.

Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: What will happen in 2014?

What can we expect to happen in New Zealand politics in 2014? Political commentators and bloggers are in the midst of publishing…

Foreign firms face tax clash

Labour says it will tackle "aggressive tax avoidance" by multinationals such as Facebook and Google which it says is costing…

'I've learned the hard way'
'I've learned the hard way'

Conservative leader Colin Craig is confident he can change people's minds about him, after a Herald…

Costs cut into crime profits cash

Government's coffers end up with $12 million from $33 million worth of assets ordered seized by judges.

Editorial: Speaker's look at Maori rules overdue

Over the years, there have been several instances in which Maori protocol has collided with women's rights.

Try again ... for a bigger job

He may have failed to become Auckland's first Pasifika mayor, but now the Rev Uesifili Unasa has his sights set on furthering…

Editorial: Right time to start battle of the bulge

The week after New Year is a testing time for resolutions to correct a bad habit. But it is a good time to make one new…

Friendly, fair - why I love cool Kiwis
Friendly, fair  - why I love cool Kiwis

In the first of a new series on ambassadors in New Zealand, we talk to South African High Commissioner…

Support for low-level drink drive fine

A move to fine lower-level drink-drivers $200, but not impose criminal convictions is widely backed, a Herald-DigiPoll survey…

Matt McCarten: Just one MP may call the shots

It's election year this year. It's life and death for our politicians. Under our adversarial electoral system, for any MP…

Maori protocols to be modernised

Parliament's Speaker, David Carter, has sought a review of Maori protocols at Parliament.

Oil-drilling support slipping - poll
Oil-drilling support slipping - poll

There is increased opposition to the Govt's plans for oil, gas and mineral exploration in the latest…

Politics Archives

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Wife denies failing girl
Wife denies failing girl

The wife of a man accused of bashing his teen daughter, then forcing her to hide her injuries behind a burqa, denies failing…

Fiery crash victim turned life around
UK officials dismiss 'Anzac whitewash'
David Bain to exchange vows today
Christie sorry for 'abject stupidity'
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Best of Political Analysis

Claire Trevett Claire Trevett
Of musical chairs and other absurd carryings-on

The parliamentary year ended yesterday, and so it… More

Audrey Young Audrey Young
Bennett asset to Nats

To understand Paula Bennett's value to the National… More

Political Polls

Labour rockets in poll Labour rockets in poll

John Key puts Labour's rocketing rise in a new Herald-Digipoll…

Labour, Greens overtake National Labour, Greens overtake National

Support for Labour and Greens has overtaken National…

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Claire Trevett on politics

Politicians sitting ducks for cracker jokes
Politicians sitting ducks for cracker jokes

Let us turn our minds to how politicians spent the day and the New Year's resolutions they are pondering in between overs…

More Claire Trevett on politics
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Audrey Young

Audrey Young: Bennett asset to Nats
Audrey Young: Bennett asset to Nats

To understand Paula Bennett's value to the National Party, you just have to see how much Labour cant stand her.

More Audrey Young

Matt McCarten on politics

Matt McCarten: Sinners and saints
Matt McCarten: Sinners and saints

My political winners and losers for the year. Losers 5. Peter Dunne. The Hypocrite. Always pompous and self-righteous…

More Matt McCarten on politics

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