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Matt McCarten: Just one MP may call the shots
Matt McCarten: Just one MP may call the shots

It's election year this year. It's life and death for our politicians. Under our adversarial electoral system, for any MP…

Maori protocols to be modernised

Parliament's Speaker, David Carter, has sought a review of Maori protocols at Parliament.

Oil-drilling support slipping - poll

There is increased opposition to the Govt's plans for oil, gas and mineral exploration in the latest Herald-DigiPoll survey…

Foreign buyers snapping up NZ land

Sales of land to overseas investors have hit a seven-year high, just as a Herald -DigiPoll survey shows the issue remains…

John Armstrong on politics

John Armstrong: Year ends on a high note for National John Armstrong: Year ends on a high note for National

You can count on three questions of national and international…

John Armstrong: Cutting tax tempting for National John Armstrong: Cutting tax tempting for National

To suddenly talk about tax cuts would send a very…

More John Armstrong on politics
Obama, John Key play golf in Hawaii
Obama, John Key play golf in Hawaii

US President Barack Obama chatted with Prime Minister John Key and high-fived Key's son Max during a golf outing in Hawaii…

Economy looking up
Last wish granted for dying father
Last wish granted for dying father

Sir Bob Parker believes his late father waited to see his son's knighthood publicly announced before passing away.

Dotcom beats politicians for pet position
Dotcom beats politicians for pet position

New Zealanders would rather have an internet tycoon feed their cat while they're on holiday than an under-fire mayor and…


O'Sullivan: Plenty of worries for Key
O'Sullivan: Plenty of worries for Key

John Key will probably get in a few more rounds of golf in Maui before he returns to New Zealand to…

A year of downfalls, fiascos and failures

It was a tumultuous and colourful year in politics, littered with downfalls, fiascos and failures, writes Bryce Edwards.

Sex education lagging

Nearly three-quarters of New Zealanders feel that the Roast Busters case showed high school students needed to be taught…

Cartoon: Not long now
Worries? There's more to come

A year always seems longer when we recall what we were worrying about when it began. Novopay was still in the news in January…

Matt McCarten: Sinners and saints

My political winners and losers for the year. Losers 5. Peter Dunne. The Hypocrite. Always pompous and self-righteous…

Donor trust for mayor under fire

A private investigator has complained to Auckland Council and the Serious Fraud Office about a trust that was the biggest…

Thanks to all the helpers

I took off early for Christmas. These days I have few pressing responsibilities and I took the opportunity. It may not last. I…

Editorial: Time off a chance to take stock
Editorial: Time off a chance to take stock

It would be a rare person who ended a year with no regrets. The trick of it is to resist the temptation…

Charge to cycle on public land

One of the operators of the Prime Minister's $50 million cycleway will charge mountain bikers for using public land.

Big problem for both Cunliffes

Labour's David Cunliffe faces a conundrum - how to convince New Zealand voters it's time to break away from the "old economic…

Politicians sitting ducks for cracker jokes

Let us turn our minds to how politicians spent the day and the New Year's resolutions they are pondering in between overs…

quiz Politics quiz: December 21

Test your knowledge of all things politics with our quiz.

quiz Politics quiz: December 14
Politics quiz: December 14

Test your knowledge of all things politics with our quiz.

Politics Archives

Best of Political Analysis

Claire Trevett Claire Trevett
Of musical chairs and other absurd carryings-on

The parliamentary year ended yesterday, and so it… More

Audrey Young Audrey Young
Bennett asset to Nats

To understand Paula Bennett's value to the National… More

Political Polls

Labour rockets in poll Labour rockets in poll

John Key puts Labour's rocketing rise in a new Herald-Digipoll…

Labour, Greens overtake National Labour, Greens overtake National

Support for Labour and Greens has overtaken National…

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Claire Trevett on politics

Claire Trevett: Beehive Santas rewrite rules on giving out goodies
Claire Trevett: Beehive Santas rewrite rules on giving out goodies

What seasonal gift giving has shown us is the pecking order among the reindeer that drag Santa around, writes Claire Trevett…

More Claire Trevett on politics

Bryce Edwards on politics

Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: So, who won the asset sales referendum?
Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: So, who won the asset sales referendum?

There's been a battle over the weekend about how to interpret, sell, and spin the asset sales referendum results, writes…

More Bryce Edwards on politics
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Audrey Young

Audrey Young: Bennett asset to Nats
Audrey Young: Bennett asset to Nats

To understand Paula Bennett's value to the National Party, you just have to see how much Labour cant stand her.

More Audrey Young

Matt McCarten on politics

Matt McCarten: Only selflessness can save Brown
Matt McCarten: Only selflessness can save Brown

What Brown did destroyed his reputation. He may resign after he has had the summer to ponder his options. But I suspect…

More Matt McCarten on politics

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