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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
Aid Effectiveness

National ownership of development strategies, alignment of development assistance with national priorities, and harmonization of development efforts all contribute to better, more sustainable development outcomes. UNDG is committed to deliver effective development assistance in line with the General Assembly’s triennial comprehensive policy review (TCPR) resolutions, the Millennium Declaration and the MDGs, the 2005 World Summit, the 2002 Monterrey Consensus, and the 2008 Doha Declaration on Financing for Development.

The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness is part of the ongoing efforts to increase the effectiveness of development assistance with concrete indicators and targets. At the 2008 Accra High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, UNDG advocated using aid as one of the instruments for achieving the MDGs and securing development results; stressed the importance of capacity development and the use of country systems; and called for untying aid, limiting conditionalities and making aid more predictable to complement growing new sources of development finance.

The 2008 Paris Declaration Monitoring Survey confirmed that the UN system has made tangible progress in implementing the Paris principles over the past few years. Greater efforts are needed, however, to achieve the targets set for 2010. In particular there is a need to make greater progress in using country systems, including use of procurement and financial systems.

UNDG is currently developing practical guidance to support UN country teams in engaging effectively in a rapidly changing aid environment and has initiated work on a strengthened UNDG Action Plan on Aid Effectiveness. This response will include operational guidance and instructions on how United Nations agencies are to interpret the Paris Declaration indicators in view of TCPR commitments to strengthen national ownership and national capacity.

Policy Framework

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Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review (TCPR) 2007
General Assembly resolution 62/208: Triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system
ECOSOC Development Cooperation Forum
The Second Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) of the Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) took place on 29 and 30 June 2010 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The deliberations served to provide strategic input to the High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals in September 2010.
ECOSOC Development Cooperation Forum
Financing for Development
The Monterrey Consensus constitutes a landmark framework for global development partnership.
Accra Agenda for Action (AAA)
The AAA complements and builds on the commitments agreed in the Paris Declaration.
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
The agreement contains partnership commitments and a set of indicators for improving the effectiveness of aid.
Rome Declaration on Harmonization
The Rome Declaration set out to improve the management and effectiveness of aid and paved the way for the Paris Declaration.
World Summit 2005
The General Assembly resolution on the World Summit outcome welcomes the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.
Guidance and Tools

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Better Aid for Development Effectiveness - Reference Guide for UN Country Teams
This reference guide seeks to support UNCTs in delivering development assistance more effectively. It places existing UN guidance and tools within the context of development effectiveness. The draft will be updated following the Busan High-level Forum on Aid Effectiveness.
UNDG Position Paper - Response to the Changing Aid Environment
The paper articulates United Nations positioning at the country level.
UNDG Position Paper - Sector Support and Sector Programmes
The paper articulates the UNDG position on sector support and sector programmes.
UNDG Guidance Note on UNCT Engagement in PRSPs
The papers supports UNCTs in engaging in poverty reduction strategies.
UNDG Action Plan on Implementing the Paris Declaration
The Action Plan is currently being revised and updated.
Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations
The principles complement the Paris Declaration and provide guidance for effective aid in transition settings.
Good Practices

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Accra HLF Marketplace of Ideas Guidebook
The book presents innovative approaches and good practices on aid effectiveness. Available in English, French and Spanish.
'Dublin + 1' workshop on strengthening the development results and impacts of the Paris Declaration through work on gender equality, social exclusion and human rights, 12-13 March 2008
The workshop shared emerging analysis and experiences from the field.
Consolidated Reply: Establishment of Government International Cooperation Agiencies and/or South-South Collaboration Programmes
July 2010
Reference Documents

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UNDG Chairman on New Consensus on Aid and Development
December 2011
RC Synthesis Report 2008 Chapter on Aid Effectiveness
The chapter provides an overview of UNCT activities in 2008.
RC Synthesis Report 2007 Chapter on Aid Effectiveness
The chapter provides an overview of UNCT activities in 2007.
RC Synthesis Report 2006 Chapter on Aid Effectiveness
The chapter provides an overview of UNCT activities in 2006.
Evaluation of the UNDG Contribution to the Paris Declaration
The independent evaluation addresses UNDG initiatives in support of the implementation of the Paris Declaration.
Aid Effectiveness Community of Practice Meeting, 28-30 Oct 2008
Over 80 practitioners from the UN system and external partners reflected on the outcome of the Accra HLF.
UNDG Workshop on UNCT Engagement in the Changing Aid Environment, 18-20 Feb 2009
The workshop brought together UN practitioners to strengthen operational guidance for UNCTs.
Bonn Workshop on Capacity Development - Accra and Beyond, 15-16 May 2008
The workshop resulted in the 'Bonn Consensus' on capacity development.
Accra HLF Regional Preparations
Outcomes of regional consultations leading up to the Accra HLF.
Further Resources
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Aid Effectiveness Portal
The portal contains thematic and regional resources for practitioners with focus on aid coordination and management.
Development Gateway Foundation
The Foundation offers an online resources portal for development information and knowledge-sharing worldwide.
OECD Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD-DAC)
The Development Co-operation Directorate provides good practice examples and statistics on the implementation of the Paris declaration.