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United Nations Development Group unite and deliver effective support for countries
RC/HC/DO and UNCT Performance Appraisal System 

The RC/HC/DO and UNCT Performance Appraisal System comprises two parts:

  • Part I: Performance against agreed work plan goals / five key planned results; and,
  • Part II: AOne80 Competency Development Tool for RCs and UNCTs.

Part I – Performance Appraisal System Guidance
Please find in the below related documents the guidance for the performance appraisal system.

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Explanatory Note on the RC-HC-DO and UNCT Performance Appraisal for 2012
November 2012
Guidance Note on Setting RC/HC/DO Appraisal Key Planned Results for 2013
November 2012
Reporting Format for the RC-HC-DO and UNCT Appraisal Process for 2012
November 2012
Part II: The One80 Tool

The One80 Competency Development Tool is used to provide UN Country Teams (UNCTs) with meaningful and useful feedback to help with the ongoing planning, review and development of their performance: as a collective team, and as individual team members.

The UN recognizes the significant role that the Resident Coordinator (RC) and UN Country Team (UNCT) members play in the effectiveness of UN operations at country level and this tool has been designed to help enhance their ability to meet the challenges of UN assistance and the environment in which it is implemented in an increasingly complex and globalizing world. The 180 degree, peer-to-peer feedback process has been an integral component of improving UN performance at the field level for a number of years.

This ‘second generation’ of the tool builds on lessons learned from the previous years, on a recently conducted pilot from one country in each region, and has been renamed the ‘One80 Competency Development Tool’ due to its focus on competency improvement and development. To access the One80 Tool online, please click here: www.one80.undg.org To view the One80 Training Videos, please click below.

sort by name | sort by date
One80 Tool - Factsheets for the 2012 Cycle
November 2012
One80 Tool - Manuals
November 2012
One80 Tool - FAQs
December 2009
One80 Tool – Competencies, Key Attributes and Behavioral Indicators
December 2009
Please find in the below three documents the RC and UNCT Member competencies and behavioral indicators and also UNCT Team key attributes and behavioral indicators, used in the One80 tool.
Archived and Inactive Policy Documents

sort by name | sort by date
Explanatory Note on the RC-HC-DO and UNCT Performance Appraisal for 2011
Reporting Format for the RC-HC-DO and UNCT Appraisal Process for 2011
Guidance Note on Setting RC/HC/DO Appraisal Key Planned Results for 2012
One80 Tool - Fact Sheets for the 2011 Cycle
January 2012
One80 Tool - Manuals
January 2012
One80 Tool - Manuals
January 2011
Guidance Note on Setting RC/HC/DO Appraisal Key Planned Results for 2011
December 2010
Explanatory Note on the RC/HC/DO and UNCT Performance Appraisal
December 2010
RC/HC/DO and UNCT Appraisal Reporting Format for 2010
December 2010
One80 Tool - Fact Sheets
January 2011
2009 RC/HC/DO and UNCT Performance Appraisal Planning
2008 RC/HC/DO and UNCT Performance Appraisal
2007 RC and UNCT Performance Appraisal