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A daily look at life's oddities by Ana Samways

Sideswipe: December 13: Affordable Orakei

Affordable Orakei entry level ... a rare find.
Affordable Orakei entry level ... a rare find.

Captain Sulu flies again ... in a Zorb

George Takei (Sulu in the original Star Trek series) is a top reviewer on Amazon and is known for tongue-in-cheek reviews of the online retail giants' more unusual products. Here's what he said about the Zorb: "When Brad asked what I wanted for my birthday I said 'jet pack', just like I have for the past four years. Brad thinks I'm too far into my 'Golden Years' to strap on any kind of propulsion unit, so each year his gifts have been disappointing. A bow-tie. A snuggie. Gel insoles. Imagine my delight when I came home to the Zorb Human Hamster Ball in our backyard. 'Not as good as a jet pack,' Brad noted, 'but safer.' Brad was a bit winded after blowing it up for six hours (I recommend an air pump), so we left it inflated. We strapped it to our car roof using the 120 left-over bungee cords from our home bungee jumping kit (I would NOT recommend this product). We then drove up to the Hollywood Hills sign for a test roll." (Source: Kottke.org)

Non-academic cups runneth over

"I have just been to my son's graduation from primary school," writes Diane. "After they all got graduation certificates, the cups were given out. There were eight cups for sporting achievements, four for kapa haka, and one cup for academic achievement. If this is the focus of our primary schools, no wonder academic standards are dropping?"

Mistaken identity a bad joke for Westie icon

One News attributed an Aaron Gilmore quote to Ewen Gilmour and the comedian responds. "Ewen has never been an easy name," writes the Westie icon. "I have been confused with Ewen McDonald (even got asked to be in the Feilding Xmas Parade last year), also Ewen Wilson, the man behind Kiwi Air who turned Hamilton into an international airport. And I got upgraded on a flight once because they thought I was Ewan McGregor. My hero growing up was Ewen Chatfield. Not for his cricket, but for his name. But this is the first time I've been mistaken for someone with my last name, Gilmour, since Gary Gilmore in 1977. Don't you know who I am?"

Rule recall for roundabout challenged drivers

Rules for indicating on a roundabout from NZTA: "If you are turning left at the first exit signal left as you come up to the roundabout. If you are going 'straight' through don't signal as you come up to the roundabout. Signal left as you pass the exit before the one you wish to take. If you are travelling more than halfway around a roundabout signal right as you come up to the roundabout, then signal left as you pass the exit before the one you wish to take."

So ... THAT'S why Ponsonby drivers have 4WDs ...
So ... THAT'S why Ponsonby drivers have 4WDs ...

Picture this #1: A message for hunters...

Picture this #2: The world's most extreme toilet is located in Siberia, 2,600m (over 8,500 feet) above sea level, perched precariously on the edge of a cliff...

Local: Hey Trade Me! These fools and their Swarowski Crystal and holographic foil cell phone radiation protector shouldn't be able to flog their snake oil on your site..."Apply this to your mobile phone to protect yourself from negative radiation that is proven to increase the probability of brain cancer by 300% for only 20min talking per day. Protect your kids as they are the most sensitive to cell phone radiation - the bone marrow of a child's head absorbs 10 times more radiation than an adult..."

Video: Nick Santonastasso from New Jeresey was born without legs and only one arm. Last week, he started pranking shoppers by pretending to be a zombie. Now fans are trying to convince The Walking Dead's creator to give him a bit part on the show...

Got a Sideswipe? Send your pictures, links and anecdotes to Ana at ana.samways@nzherald.co.nz.

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