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video Europe's first Bitcoin ATM
Europe's first Bitcoin ATM

A Swedish company has launched what it claims is Europe's first Bitcoin ATM. The machine allows people to exchange cash…

Consumer confidence swells

Consumer confidence nears a four-year high in the lead-up to the Christmas season, an all-important period for retailers…

Chorus shares rally, ACC ups stake

Shares in Chorus climbed 8 % in early trading after ACC lifted its holding and Milford Asset Management yesterday gave the…

Focus moves to retaining Toyota

The Australian Government will work with Toyota to ensure the automotive sector remains viable in the country, Prime Minister…

Slingshot used rival's database
Slingshot used rival's database

Slingshot marketers used login codes to access a Telecom database to improperly switch over customers without their consent…

Retailer blasts tax 'failure'
Retailer blasts tax 'failure'

The New Zealand Retailers Association has reiterated its call for GST to be applied to all online purchases after the boss…

GST for online sales? My response
GST for online sales? My response

Accountant Steve Waite reacts to the criticism from his original post which calls for GST on online purchases. "I suppose…

Exports add to interest pressures
Exports add to interest pressures

Export commodity prices have joined the housing market and the exchange rate in the front row of drivers of the interest…


Alliance elects new blood to board
Alliance elects new blood to board

MIE, the group formed to try and improve the fragmented NZ meat sector, has gotten one of its candidates…

Koha trademark battle settled

A Wellington IT company and a library trust has successfully opposed a US software firm from trademarking the name "Koha"…

Boeing to respond to 777X union proposal

Boeing is expected to respond today to a Machinists union proposal that would keep much of the 777X work in Washington state. The…

NZ manufacturing activity grows

New Zealand manufacturing activity expanded in November, with high orders and lean inventory suggesting the pick-up in production…

Dollar hits new five-year high against Aussie
Dollar hits new five-year high against Aussie

The New Zealand dollar touched a new five-year high against the Australian dollar after Reserve Bank…

Apple work conditions improving

A labour group monitoring three Chinese factories that make iPhones and other Apple products says once-oppressive working…

Media highlights of 2013

The media revolution rolls on, and many in the mainstream industry are walking a cliff-edge as they look to the future and…

Brislen: The good, the bad and the ugly of Teleco's

The telco sector is rarely dull but this year in particular has seen a host of changes and controversy. Let's start with…

High-end house prices surging

House prices in Auckland's blue-ribbon suburbs are rising fast, latest Real Estate Institute figures show.

US mulls lifting ban on in-flight phone calls
US mulls lifting ban on in-flight phone calls

As one part of the US government looks to remove restrictions on making phone calls from airplanes…

Business Archives

Best of Business Analysis

Helen Twose Helen Twose
Kiwisaver: Savings tips for returning expats

I read your interesting recent article on the Welcome… More

Tamsyn Parker Tamsyn Parker
Govt asset-sale shares drop

The Government's asset sales programme suffered another… More

Brian Fallow Brian Fallow
Mystery surrounds trade deal talks

So should we look on the TPP with hope or dread? Impossible… More

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