Don’t just collect data. Connect it.

A 360-degree view of your customers adds up to more opportunity for you. Adobe can help transform information into insights.

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What is Adobe Analytics?


Adobe Analytics helps you create a holistic view of your business by turning customer interactions into actionable insights. With intuitive and interactive dashboards and reports, you can sift, sort, and share real-time information to provide insights you can use to identify problems and opportunities.

Adobe Analytics capabilities.

Marketing reports and analytics

Marketing reports and analytics

Make use of advanced analytics with real-time reporting, powerful visualizations, and dashboards that arm you with the insights you need to guide your business.

Ad hoc analysis

Ad hoc analysis

Discover a comprehensive, multidimensional view of customer segments that you can use to make accurate, timely, and insightful decisions and improve performance.

Data workbench

Data workbench

Measure, analyze, and optimize integrated data from online and offline marketing channels, from high-level trends down to individual customer behavior — all in one place.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics

Easily analyze customer data and segment audiences to predict the success of your campaigns and maximize the impact of your ad spend.

Real-time web analytics

Real-time web analytics

Access second-to-second analytics reports and real-time tools that allow you to react instantly to visitor trends.

Mobile analytics

Mobile analytics

Dive deep into the performance of your mobile campaigns. Understand how your mobile customers uniquely engage your brand.

Take the assessment

Assess your digital
analytics needs.

Use the Adobe Analytics Self-Assessment tool to find out exactly where you stand and what you need from our digital analytics solution. Take the assessment ›

Watch Adobe Analytics capability videos ›
Learn how Adobe customers use big data ›

Music. Television. Results.

MTV uses Adobe Marketing Cloud to measure interactions across more than 150 channels and serve fans the most relevant, profitable content.

Watch the video ›

Who is Adobe Analytics for?

Digital analysts are the go-to people in the company for actionable intelligence. They know where to look for gems of insight hidden deep in the data. They need flexible, customizable dashboards and reports, so the right data gets seen by the right people.

View resources for digital analytics ›

Adobe users optimize marketing results with customer analytics.

Adobe users optimize marketing results with customer analytics.

Insights from Adobe Marketing Cloud uniquely reveal your customers’ needs.

Download the white paper ›

Big data is too big of a hassle? We disagree.

Big Data is too big of a hassle? We disagree.

Learn how The Economist started using its data to increase revenue.

View the webinar ›

Create a data-driven dynasty.
Find out how you can generate greater returns from your digital analytics investment.
Let our partners compliment your Adobe investment.
Summit: The Digital Marketing Conference

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