Easier tests. Quicker results. More revenue.

Most marketers want to test and target but don’t think they have the time, expertise, or tools. Adobe has simplified it to a click.

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What is Adobe Target?


The most powerful solution for testing and targeting is now easier to use than ever before. With the new Adobe Target, you get an intuitive user interface, built-in best practices, and robust optimization tools, so you can test quickly and often, target site visitors with confidence, and create digital experiences that deliver real results. And real revenue.

Find out what’s new ›

Adobe Target capabilities

A/B testing

A/B testing

Easily set up and run concurrent tests to quickly determine the best offers, messaging, and sequences of content for your different visitor segments.

Multivariate Testing

Multivariate testing

Use both partial and full factorial testing to understand the most impactful elements and best recipes for delivering real-time targeted content.

Rules-based targeting

Rules-based targeting

Use prebuilt or custom rules to target content to specific audiences based on hundreds of variables, including location, historical behavior, and more.

Automated decisioning and behavioral targeting

Automated behavioral targeting

Automate the targeting of content to individual visitors using a self-learning algorithmic approach designed to increase conversion and discover key segments.



Leverage all available visitor and customer data to create custom segments, define effective strategy, and filter results at a granular level.

Recommendations and cross-selling

Recommendations and cross-selling

Make use of historical and affinity data to automatically deliver content and product recommendations.

Take the fast track to digital marketing


See how easy it is to use the all-new Adobe Target. Take it for a spin. Launch the interactive demo ›

Target IQ Test

See how your testing, targeting and personalization skills measure up.


Test your skills ›

Value Navigator Tool

Learn the best online optimization strategies for boosting your bottom line.


Try the tool ›

Lenovo sees 12-fold ROI in first 6 months.

PC manufacturer Lenovo is building a Global Business Intelligence team to bring innovation to its marketing efforts. The team set high goals and is blowing through them using Adobe Marketing Cloud.


Watch the video ›

Who is Adobe Target for?

When bringing in customers, digital marketers need to be as good with a net as they are a spear. They’re expected not only to attract new visitors, but also to efficiently convert them and keep them coming back.


View resources for digital marketers ›

Top Testing and Targeting Tips for 2013.

Top Testing and Targeting Tips for 2013.

Create relevant, targeted, and timely customer experiences.


Download the report ›

Ramp up your online testing.

Ramp up your online testing.

Forrester and AOL discuss the future of testing.


Watch the webinar and download white papers ›

You measure, but do you measure up?
Adobe 2013 Digital Marketing Optimization Survey Results.
Let our partners compliment your Adobe investment.
Summit: The Digital Marketing Conference

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