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Risky US bank lendings rules OK'd
Risky US bank lendings rules OK'd

US banks will be barred in most cases from trading for their own profit under a federal rule approved this week. The Federal…

Card spending rises again

Retail spending went from strength to strengthen last month as the plastic got more of a workout.

Support grows for Reserve Bank to raise OCR

The NZIER shadow board believes the Reserve Bank should leave the official cash rate on hold at 2.5 per cent when it reviews…

Growth tipped to continue despite dip in Truckometer

ANZ says its Truckometer is still pointing to strong momentum in the economy despite dipping last month.

Aucklanders' personal income falls
Aucklanders' personal income falls

Personal income has fallen dramatically in South Auckland compared to more affluent Auckland areas, according to the latest…

Builders welcome loan backdown
Builders welcome loan backdown

The construction sector has welcomed the Reserve Bank's decision to exempt new home builds from low deposit loan restrictions…

Reserve Bank buckles on loan rules
Reserve Bank buckles on loan rules

New rules restricting low deposit home loans will now not apply to new home builds, says the Reserve Bank.

Wall St up on Fedspeak deciphering
Wall St up on Fedspeak deciphering

Wall Street rose overnight amid optimism that accelerating economic growth will outweigh any pullback in the US Federal…


Dollar pares gains after Fonterra maintains farmer payout
Dollar pares gains after Fonterra maintains farmer payout

The New Zealand dollar pared gains after Fonterra Cooperative Group, the nation's largest company, dashed…

Fed positioning stalls Wall St rally

Stocks on both sides of the Atlantic fell overnight, pushing the Standard & Poor's 500 Index down from a record-high…

Dollar at new 5-year high vs. Aussie

The New Zealand dollar touched a new five-year high against the Australian dollar overnight ahead of a report today which…

Home loan queries dive

Rules slash number of low-deposit mortgages but house buyers still encouraged to ask.

Brian Fallow: Census housing statistics show shortfall not so dire
Brian Fallow: Census housing statistics show shortfall not so dire

The Auckland Council reckons Auckland is 20,000 to 30,000 dwellings short of what it needs, writes Brian…

Loan curbs boost for mortgage brokers

Reserve Bank home-loan cooling measures have driven business into mortgage brokers' hands, says Jeff Royle.

How will Auckland cope with growth?

Ensuring Auckland copes with growth and has enough offices, apartments and shops is one of the biggest challenges the city…

Kevin Roberts: Rome wasn't built on apathy

We must first conquer our island syndrome and pull together if we are ever to win the world from the edge, writes Kevin…

Japan cuts 3Q economic growth estimate to 1.1 pct

Japan slashed its estimate of economic growth for the July-September quarter Monday as investment by companies slowed more…

Food, booze push up Dec spending
Food, booze push up Dec spending

New Zealanders have been spending up on food and liquor in the lead up to Christmas, according to Paymark…

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