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Editorial: Why, oh why, do we do this?

By Michele Hunter

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Michele Hunter is a grinch when it comes to Christmas shopping. Photo/Thinkstock.
Michele Hunter is a grinch when it comes to Christmas shopping. Photo/Thinkstock.

Call me a grinch but I don't really understand the robot-like trudge around the shops to buy Christmas presents.

I can appreciate work functions to say thank you to hard-working staff, over-indulgence with the family on Christmas Day and beautiful trees and lights. I don't even mind the odd Christmas carol.

Over the weekend, I was in a gift shop and wondered how many of the shoppers busily scouring the shelves for presents were actually doing so out of tradition and expectation, rather than a desire to give someone a meaningful gift.

It's much easier to buy for some than it is for others - usually the same ones prove difficult each year. They are usually very practical, non-materialistic and if they want or need something they will buy it for themselves.

It seems odd that, despite the fact they probably couldn't care less whether you bought them something or not, you feel compelled to do so anyway and end up with some sorry attempt you hope won't be opened first after Christmas lunch.

It's about this time of year the boring but predictable question of whether you've done your Christmas shopping is raised by relative strangers - beauty therapists, store attendants - anyone wanting to fill an awkward pause.

I'm not sure what difference it makes to them if I have or not, they aren't on my Christmas list.

Maybe they want to smugly bask in the knowledge that by late November their presents are wrapped and ready for the December 1 tree unveiling, or reassure themselves there are others who leave it until Christmas Eve to grab a random selection of novelty chocolates.

At a time that's supposed to be about enjoying the company of family and friends, or remembering the true meaning of Christmas, the attention is instead dragged to desperate bids to shop for the difficult. This year, maybe the family will be happy with a hug. But I doubt it.


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