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Xmas weather: A 'mixed bag' Xmas weather: A 'mixed bag'

Don't bank on firing up the barbie on Christmas Day…

WeatherWatch: (DEC 16) Scattered showers around NZ video WeatherWatch: (DEC 16) Scattered showers around NZ

Humidity and afternoon heating has led to a few days…

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Tasmanian devils welcomed to Wellington Zoo
Tasmanian devils welcomed to Wellington Zoo

Four new Tasmanian devils have been welcomed to Wellington Zoo today.

Beached whales make it back to sea
Beached whales make it back to sea

Three orca whales which were beached in a bay in Northland's Kaipara Harbour have made it safely back out to sea.

Harmful help for Black Robins
Harmful help for Black Robins

A new study has highlighted how a helping hand for nesting native birds almost made a species incapable of surviving in…

Pat Baskett: Spirit of 1973 needed to stop oil drillers
Pat Baskett: Spirit of 1973 needed to stop oil drillers

This year has almost ended, with an important episode in New Zealand's political history unremembered. Forty years ago the…

Element magazine

Gen Y demands ethical business
Gen Y demands ethical business

Businesses must cater to the increasing needs, desires and purchasing power of Gen Y Kiwis driven by sustainability concerns…

Rotorua's latest trail opens
Green gold
Travel Australia: Ranging on the Riverland?
Opinion: Apartheid still reigns in Palestine
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PM shows no support for Harawira's trip to SA
video PM shows no support for Harawira's trip to SA

Prime Minister John Key has accused Mana leader Hone Harawira of taking a taxpayer-funded junket to South Africa after it…

ZBTV: Deaker on... television
Three Avatar films to be made in NZ
Diving on the Rena wreck
Meet the Wynyard Group CEO
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