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Fitness: Buzz on the bumps Fitness: Buzz on the bumps

BMX What is it? Riding a bike designed for dirt…

Sunday gardening: Take a look over the fence Sunday gardening: Take a look over the fence

I don't know about you, but for me garden design tours…

More Life & Style
Are mums of one real mums?
Are mums of one real mums?

Whether you have one or 20 kids, there are downsides and upsides and no getting around the sheer investment of time and…

Keeping Mum: The year of celebrity babies
Keeping Mum: The year of celebrity babies

Good Lord, it has begun. Bump-watch, that is. Kate Middleton, dressed conservatively and impeccably as always in a slimline…

Keeping Mum: Are stay-at-home parents facing extinction?
Keeping Mum: Are stay-at-home parents facing extinction?

The latest stats show only one in ten women are opting to be stay-at-home mums.

Keeping Mum: The chaos of getting kids to the beach
Keeping Mum: The chaos of getting kids to the beach

It's hard to imagine a day that requires more painstaking preparation, more logistical co-ordination, or more sheer bloody-mindedness…

Keeping Mum

Keeping Mum: Casually overdosing painkillers on kids
Keeping Mum: Casually overdosing painkillers on kids

After a winter in which chicken pox, gastric flu, bronchitis, multiple ear infections and every day…

Keeping Mum: What does it feel like to be the Obama girls?

On November 6, 2012 I did something I almost never do; I ignored the pleas and whining of kids clamouring for children's…

Too much extra-curricular?

There are various schools of thought about how much after-school activity is a good idea. Some parents believe in letting…

Blog: Breast Milk Baby okay

That these dolls stir up quite the negative reaction they do is a sorry comment on the prevailing views of breastfeeding…

Don't mess with nap time
Don't mess with nap time

Of all the trying times of toddlerhood, one that I continually hear griped about - and one I am currently…

The stuff of nightmares

Barely a week goes by in New Zealand without us having to relive the nightmare inflicted on one or other New Zealand toddler…

Keeping Mum: I hate Halloween

It never fails to amaze me that children, who already have fairly easy access to sweets, can be so excited at the prospect…

Keeping Mum: Do you have a child-centred marriage?

The other day Ali and I went out to a dinner party, which was rare enough as it was, and when the hosts left the room to…

It couldn't be... chicken pox?

It started with a little rash under one arm. I didn't think much of it at the time as the kids are generally a wheezing…

Who calls their kid an idiot?
Who calls their kid an idiot?

One thing that is great about being a parent of young children in New Zealand is that we are generally…

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