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E-waste up by third by 2017 - UN study
E-waste up by third by 2017 - UN study

The mountain of refrigerators, cellphones, TV sets and other electrical waste disposed of annually worldwide is forecast…

Tech Universe: Monday 16 December

ANY CYCLISTS LEFT?: Cyclists and buses aren't a great mix, so researchers at Bristol University have created a device called…

The Pirate Bay moves to Peru

As the fight to take down one of the worlds biggest torrent tracker sites continues, ThePiratebay has again switched domain…

Rhys Darby: Keeping up with tech stuff can be baffling

Is it just me or does life feel like it's moving faster these days? The year is nearly over and yet I swear it was only…


PM shows no support for Harawira's trip to SA video PM shows no support for Harawira's trip to SA

Prime Minister John Key has accused Mana leader Hone…

ZBTV: Deaker on... television video ZBTV: Deaker on... television

Newstalk ZB's Murray Deaker talks to Edward Swift…

More Video
Orcon Next: Media
video Orcon Next: Media

Maori Television's general manager of news and current affairs, Julian Wilcox, explains the channel's news priorities for…

Popularity of electronic cigarettes
video Popularity of electronic cigarettes

The growing popularity of electronic cigarettes has led many European countries to introduce regulations controlling the…

Want to relax? Put away the phone
Want to relax? Put away the phone

Constantly checking those work emails on your smartphone could be bad for more than just your marriage.

Customs returns seized property
Customs returns seized property

Customs has returned all the electronic gear stripped from a backpacker at the border, saying it found nothing on his computer…


Thousands of free eBooks available
Thousands of free eBooks available

Auckland Libraries has added thousands of new, free electronic texts to its collection.

Time to ditch the 'Venus and Mars' cliche

As hardy perennials go, there is little to beat that science hacks' favourite: the hard-wiring of male and female brains…

Pat Pilcher: The Pirate Bay sails to a new domain

Pressure to get the world's largest torrent tracking site taken down by the entertainment industry is relentless, and in…

Apple Watch: Hey ho Mac Pro

Hey, Apple, it's December and this is the month the amazing new Mac Pro was going to arrive. Things seem a little quiet…

Pat Pilcher: Samsung tries to silence user after phone 'bursts into flames'
Pat Pilcher: Samsung tries to silence user after phone 'bursts into flames'

Public Relations can be a particular tricky beast to get right. Samsung are learning that it isn't just…

Tech Universe: Friday 13 December

WHERE THE WIND BLOWS: Skyscrapers are very exposed to the wind, and at 530 metres tall the Pertamina Energy Tower to…

Apple work conditions improving

A labour group monitoring three Chinese factories that make iPhones and other Apple products says once-oppressive working…

US mulls lifting ban on in-flight phone calls

As one part of the US government looks to remove restrictions on making phone calls from airplanes, another agency is apparently…

video Europe's first Bitcoin ATM

A Swedish company has launched what it claims is Europe's first Bitcoin ATM. The machine allows people to exchange cash…

New frustration for Yahoo Xtra users
New frustration for Yahoo Xtra users

Yahoo Xtra customers are again pulling their hair out as email services are disrupted once more.

Technology Archives


Apple Watch: Conduct in code
Apple Watch: Conduct in code

Recently Apple CEO Tim Cook asked his employees, in a video message, to review Apple's 'Business Conduct…

Apple Watch: Fun, spirited and not intimidating
Pat Pilcher: Upbeat - Is it Reddit for music?
Apple Watch: Apple help in Christchurch
Pat Pilcher: Smartphone annoyances
More Compute


Google Glass up on Trade Me
Google Glass up on Trade Me

One of the first pairs of Google Glass(es) to come to New Zealand shores has been listed for sale on Trade Me, however the…

Virtual guide to Antarctica
Apple a day makes learning like play for young pupils
France targets high-tech future
RoboMop to take care of future chores
More Wired

Apple Watch

Apple Watch: Mini with moxie
Apple Watch: Mini with moxie

Now that the mini is virtually as full-powered as the 5th generation iPad Air, the PC-free world Steve…

Apple Watch: In the cloud, but ...
Apple Watch: 64-bit Processing some words
Apple Watch: iPad Air
Apple Watch: Store in Apple
More Apple Watch
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