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America's Cup: Nationality rule may come back for Cup
America's Cup: Nationality rule may come back for Cup

Russell Coutts has hinted it is likely a nationality clause will be reintroduced for the next America's Cup.

America's Cup: Coutts hints at nationality clause

Russell Coutts has hinted it is likely a nationality clause will be reintroduced for the next America's Cup. Now the dust…

Yachting: New Zealand on Am Cup map

The America's Cup could be coming to NZ after all, if early speculation regarding the shape of the next regatta comes to…

Yachting: Round the World entry in doubt

Team NZ boss Grant Dalton says he is "cautiously optimistic" about America's Cup sponsors staying aboard - but a New Zealand…


House fire in Wellington video House fire in Wellington

Smoke could be seen from around the city after a house…

Serious assault in Christchurch video Serious assault in Christchurch

One man is in a stable condition in Christchurch hospital…

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Yachting: Ashby to stick with Team NZ
Yachting: Ashby to stick with Team NZ

Team New Zealand have been boosted in their bid to mount another America's Cup challenge, with Glenn Ashby announcing his…

Spithill laughs off 'secret weapon'
Spithill laughs off 'secret weapon'

Jimmy Spithill has laughed off the claim a high-tech automated foiling system was instrumental in Oracle's miraculous comeback…

Sailing: Burling and Tuke take honour amid stiff competition
Sailing: Burling and Tuke take honour amid stiff competition

World champion 49er sailors Peter Burling and Blair Tuke have won Yachting New Zealand's Sailor of the Year award. There…

Spithill: Cup 'inconceivable' without NZ
Spithill: Cup 'inconceivable' without NZ

Oracle skipper Jimmy Spithill says it would be "inconceivable" to have an America's Cup without Team New Zealand in it.


Yachting: Meech ninth at laser worlds
Yachting: Meech ninth at laser worlds

It was a day of incremental improvements for all three New Zealand sailors racing in the gold fleet…

America's Cup: Slingsby staying with Oracle

The chance to win the America's Cup again for Oracle Team USA proved to be a stronger allure for Tom Slingsby than sailing…

Kiwi's $6.8m superyacht sinks

A $6.8 million superyacht owned by a New Zealand businessman has sunk after catching fire in England.

Kiwi, 76, aims to sail world solo

A New Zealand adventurer is launching a daring attempt to become the oldest and the fastest person to sail solo, non-stop…

Motorsport: A sailing switch or just Bull
Motorsport: A sailing switch or just Bull

Assuming Sebastian Vettel can successfully navigate his way through the horrendous dust and haze that…

Yachting: Champ trying to repeat at Coastal Classic

With more than 180 boats expected to take part in tomorrow's Coastal Classic, a 119-nautical mile jaunt from Devonport to…

Dana Johannsen: NZ can't afford not to sail in Cup

Sinking money into sport is always a tough sell for governments, writes Dana Johannsen. No matter what reports they produce…

$5m can't stop Team NZ job losses

More than half of Team NZ's 110 employees will be out of a job despite the Government offering interim funding to keep the…

Govt pledges $5m to next America's Cup

The Government has pledged an "interim'' investment of $5 million into Team New Zealand while a decision is made about the…

America's Cup: Wind is back in sails
America's Cup: Wind is back in sails

Cabinet is expected to recommend funding for Emirates Team New Zealand tomorrow for a new America's…

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