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Photo recall: Terrier with attitude stirs up crowds in Russell

By Poppy Wortman

Photo / Ross White. Photo research / Emma Land
Photo / Ross White. Photo research / Emma Land

Making waves in Russell was all in a day's work for Spinnaker the dog back in 2000.

The Australian terrier was often seen whizzing up and down the beach on a boogie-board behind a motorised inflatable dinghy, leaving locals and tourists doggoned.

Marine radio operator Stewart Irvine says the little dog's antics were certainly the talk of the town.

"She would attract all the summer visitors. They all thought it was fantastic. It was very impressive," he says.

"I clearly remember her riding her surfboard along the Russell waterfront."

At the time the photo was taken her owner, yacht charter operator John Laurie, told the Herald he recognised Spinnaker's "attitude" when she was washed overboard at just 6 months old.

The puppy swam to a marker pole, climbed the rungs and waited to be rescued, prompting Laurie to start training her for boogie-board stardom.

Russell Museum administrator Dianne Davey laughs as she recalls Spinnaker continuing to wow visitors to the town, including a star turn in the museum's video clip.

"We have a 12-minute historic video of Russell, and at the end of it there's Spinnaker waving by," she chuckles. "It's quite neat. We have it showing every day."

Davey remembers Spinnaker as a fixture of Russell, wandering up and down the street with Laurie.

"She hung around with John all the time, was always with him. When he moved away from the district she went too, but I heard when she passed on a few years ago.

"She's no longer alive, but definitely remembered."

- Herald on Sunday

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