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Chorus funding to be improved
Chorus funding to be improved

Chorus could cut its funding shortfall for the ultra-fast broadband project from $1 billion to $200-250 million.

Biz leader of 2013: Air NZ boss

Air NZ chief exec Christopher Luxon has carved out a big reputation for foot-on-the-throat attention to the bottom line.

Mussel farmer goes from winner to loser

One of New Zealand's biggest mussel farming companies, named Food and Beverage Exporter of the Year by industry group ExportNZ…

Brian Gaynor: Next year an economic cracker

Next year should be a cracker as far as the New Zealand economy is concerned. There are strong indications that it will…

Business Editor's Picks

GST for online sales? My response GST for online sales? My response

Accountant Steve Waite reacts to the criticism from…

Brian Fallow: Mystery surrounds trade deal talks Brian Fallow: Mystery surrounds trade deal talks

So should we look on the TPP with hope or dread? Impossible…

More Business Editor's Picks
BurgerFuel stays out of price war
BurgerFuel stays out of price war

BurgerFuel says its brand has proven resilient to a price war between major multi-national competitors such as Burger King…

Mary Holm: Clear house and mind for fresh start
Mary Holm: Clear house and mind for fresh start

Quitting non-essentials and being open to opportunities can help you back on your feet after a financial setback, says Mary…

Diana Clement: How to spend less while enjoying Christmas more
Diana Clement: How to spend less while enjoying Christmas more

12 ways to stop going over the top at Christmas.

Manufacturing outlook upbeat
Manufacturing outlook upbeat

A barometer of manufacturing activity continues to point to fair weather for the sector, despite a rising exchange rate…


Consumer confidence in festive mood
Consumer confidence in festive mood

Consumers are in a buoyant mood, auguring well for retailers' festive season takings. The ANZ Roy Morgan…

Workers deserve to get a break

Refreshed and full of stories about what they did over the summer holiday, employers and employees able to take a break…

video Europe's first Bitcoin ATM

A Swedish company has launched what it claims is Europe's first Bitcoin ATM. The machine allows people to exchange cash…

Alliance elects new blood to board

MIE, the group formed to try and improve the fragmented NZ meat sector, has gotten one of its candidates on the Alliance…

Consumer confidence swells
Consumer confidence swells

Consumer confidence nears a four-year high in the lead-up to the Christmas season, an all-important…

Koha trademark battle settled

A Wellington IT company and a library trust has successfully opposed a US software firm from trademarking the name "Koha"…

Chorus shares rally, ACC ups stake

Shares in Chorus climbed 8 % in early trading after ACC lifted its holding and Milford Asset Management yesterday gave the…

Focus moves to retaining Toyota

The Australian Government will work with Toyota to ensure the automotive sector remains viable in the country, Prime Minister…

Slingshot used rival's database

Slingshot marketers used login codes to access a Telecom database to improperly switch over customers without their consent…

Retailer blasts tax 'failure'
Retailer blasts tax 'failure'

The New Zealand Retailers Association has reiterated its call for GST to be applied to all online purchases…

Business Archives

Best of Business Analysis

Helen Twose Helen Twose
Kiwisaver: Savings tips for returning expats

I read your interesting recent article on the Welcome… More

Tamsyn Parker Tamsyn Parker
Govt asset-sale shares drop

The Government's asset sales programme suffered another… More

Brian Fallow Brian Fallow
Mystery surrounds trade deal talks

So should we look on the TPP with hope or dread? Impossible… More

Business videos

OCR stays at 2.5pc: Opinion and analysis
video OCR stays at 2.5pc: Opinion and analysis

Herald's Economics Editor Brian Fallow gives his expert opinion and analysis of the 'hawkish tones' from Reserve Bank Governor…

 Reserve Bank OCR stays at 2.5pc
Interview: Darren Brown, project director of SugarTree
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