Carter Observatory NZ

The refurbishment is in two parts, the renovation of the building and the making of new displays.

The historic exterior of the building will stay the same but the interior will be dramatically changed so that it is much more visitor friendly. The original design was of a series of offices and rooms which was not suitable for the smooth flow of visitors. The new design will open up spaces so that there is a natural flow and defined direction for visitors.

The educational displays are to be redesigned over the next few months, so that by reopening time we will have a variety of world class exhibits, hands-on demonstrations and shows. These will cover all aspects of astronomy including Polynesian astronomy, the astronomy of Cook’s voyages, our Solar System and other planetary systems, stars, cosmology and the possibility of other life in the Universe.

It is hoped that the Observatory will reopen in November. More details of the opening will be announced when they are available.

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