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Brian Fallow: Mystery surrounds trade deal talks

So should we look on the TPP with hope or dread? Impossible to say until we know what "it" is, writes Brian Fallow. It doesn't…

Fran O'Sullivan: Review of Len Brown under watch

Auditor-General Lyn Provost is keeping a watching brief on Auckland Council chief executive Doug McKay's review of Mayor…

More Best of Business Analysis
Silence of the lambs at Christmas
Silence of the lambs at Christmas

Baaa-humbug. A fall in lamb numbers because of the worst drought in 70 years may result in higher prices for this year's…

China demand lifts dairy prices
China demand lifts dairy prices

International dairy product prices are pushing sharply higher, driven by strong demand from China.


Meat processor ups exports to Iraq
Meat processor ups exports to Iraq

Southland-based meat processor Alliance Group said it was developing meat export opportunities in Iraq. Alliance…

Mining permit for Chatham Rock

Chatham Rock Phosphate has been granted a 20-year mining permit to extract phosphate nodules from an 820 square kilometre…

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