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'Katie' waiting to hear from lovestruck teen

By Rebecca Quilliam

Reese McKee. Photo / Mark Mitchell
Reese McKee. Photo / Mark Mitchell

A lovestruck Wellington man could get his Christmas wish after a yearlong search for a mystery American girl, who has told overseas media she is waiting for him to get in touch.

Reese McKee, 25, met a young woman he knew only as Katie last New Year's Eve in Hong Kong.

At the end of the evening she left with friends, but not before asking him to find her.

His quest to find "Katie from DC'' through social media went viral and earlier this week he tracked her down, but said he would wait for the story to settle down before getting in touch with her.

The Daily Mail has found 20-year-old Katie Capp studying in a small French town near the boarder of Italy.

She told the paper she was single but was not sure how she felt about Mr McKee.

"I haven't made up my mind yet about whether I like him or not. I'm still waiting for him to get in touch.''

Ms Capp was spending junior year abroad studying French at the Sciences Po University on the Cote d'Azur.

She said a date in the future with Mr McKee was not out of the question.

The story has captured the imagination of romantics worldwide with more than 100,000 views on the NZ Herald website and had featured on international media sites including the Daily Mail, Gawker and Slate.

Representatives from Facebook, Good Morning America, TV stations and radio stations in Canada and Australia had contacted Mr McKee with interview requests but he had turned them all down.

Mr McKee told APNZ last week he was walking around Hong Kong admiring the lights when he found the mystery woman crying on the side of the road.

After spending the night drinking and dancing, they departed. Her last words: "Find me'', before slipping away into the dawn of New Year's Day.

"Yeah, I'll find you,'' he said, before realising he had very little information to go on.

He has since taken down the Facebook page he used to launch his appeal due to an overwhelming number of responses.

"I'm just looking to settle it down. It was a hell of a lot of pressure, after the second day it sort of dawned on me that if I was going through this much, then there was going to be an incredible wave of pressure slammed into her.''


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