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Do you know which party you will be voting for in 2014?
Do you know which party you will be voting for in 2014?

With the 2013 parliamentary year ending yesterday - the focus will soon be upon the build-up to 2014 election. Do you know…

Your thoughts and memories of Nelson Mandela
Your thoughts and memories of Nelson Mandela

Former South African President Nelson Mandela has died. He was 95. Here is the latest selection of NZ…

Do you support deep sea oil drilling in NZ?
Do you support deep sea oil drilling in NZ?

Deep sea exploration oil drilling off the Waikato coast by Texas-based oil company Anadarko began early…


Lame pranks get screen time Lame pranks get screen time

Turn on, tune out, have another eggnog. That about…

Grim Reaper's political scalps Grim Reaper's political scalps

Some of his victims never saw it coming. Some succumbed…

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Who is your New Zealander of the Year for 2013?
Who is your New Zealander of the Year for 2013?

Over the past 11 months, which New Zealander has most inspired the nation with their actions? Is it a politician? A sportsperson?…

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