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Revamp mystifies arts commentator
Revamp mystifies arts commentator

The radical restructuring of Unitec's design and visual arts department has mystified many who took part in a quality assurance…

Education death by design

A radical new teaching model has sparked fears of creative decline at one of our most successful visual art schools.

Readers become the authors

A novel approach to reading has kids blogging and commenting online about what should happen next in books - and authors…

All work and no play for Shanghai kids

Every day, Lucy Dong and her best friend Amy Zhu wake at 7am, munch through their breakfast of steamed buns and noodles…


 Memorial to actor Paul Walker video Memorial to actor Paul Walker

Thousands of fans turn out on Sunday for a tribute…

Prayers and celebrations for Mandela video Prayers and celebrations for Mandela

Sunday was a day of prayers and celebration for recently…

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Review education system - expert
Review education system - expert

A student learning expert has suggested a top-level review of the schooling system after international testing showed 15-year-olds…

Pisa results raise big questions for NZ
Pisa results raise big questions for NZ

When an international report shows New Zealand's maths, science and reading scores for 15-year-olds are in "absolute freefall"…

Switched on to learning
Switched on to learning

A fully functioning coffee cart would probably be the last thing you'd expect to find in the reception area at Pt England…

Education debacle: What can we do?
Education debacle: What can we do?

PISA envy is rife at the moment as we find NZ has slipped. This should be a shot of reality and force us not to be complacent…


Kindergarten teachers to protest around NZ today
Kindergarten teachers to protest around NZ today

Kindergarten teachers around the country will protest today against ongoing cuts to funding in their…

Editorial: Best teaching will require political will

Editorial: It is highly appropriate that NZ officials have been to Asia to identify the key points of the successful programmes…

Dr Sue Thomson: Oz education declining for a decade

New international test results in reading, science and maths show that Australian education is going backwards - a declining…

Dr Fiona Ell: Real issue is the gap, not rankings

Should we worry about our ranking? No, not per se, writes Dr Fiona Ell. Focusing on one number, one position in the race…

Gap widens between NZ students
Gap widens between NZ students

The gap between 15-year-old students who are excelling and those who are failing has widened despite…

David Hill: All praise to the nation's schools

In the aftermath of the Roast Busters revelations, voices muttered that our schools aren't teaching sexual morality.

Parata: Student ranking drop 'serious'

Education Minister Hekia Parata says New Zealand is doing everything right to reform the education system, in the wake of…

Do whales hear their dinner?

Auckland University team heads first research on giant mammals' ability to sense sound waves of prey.

NZ education standards falling - OECD

New Zealand educational achievement has dropped significantly in the core subjects of science, maths and reading, according…

Boy tried to kill himself
Boy tried to kill himself

An 8-year-old boy tried to kill himself in a lunch break because school was "too hard" - and his parents…

Education Archives

Primary Education

NZ education facing a bad report
NZ education facing a bad report

Education Minister Hekia Parata is preparing for an embarrassing drop in New Zealand's education rankings in an international…

More Primary Education

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