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How to avoid burnout at work
How to avoid burnout at work

It's that time of year when people are rushing to finish work projects before Christmas, putting in extra hours and feeling…

'McJob' strikes escalating

The United States was facing a wave of strikes by fast-food workers today, a day after President Barack Obama warned that…

Sick leave's $1.26b cost to economy

Bosses are being urged to look at why workers are staying home sick, as a new report puts the cost of employee absences…

Job-crafting creates satisfaction

For a conscientious employee, not having enough to do can be just as worrisome as too much work.


Different generations, same jobs Different generations, same jobs

Workers from different generations want largely the…

Fonterra HQ - first glimpse Fonterra HQ - first glimpse

Listed landlord Goodman Property Trust has provided…

More Workplace
Kiwisaver: Does shareholder income count?
Kiwisaver: Does shareholder income count?

Can shareholder earnings be taken into account for a first home subsidy?

Pair justifiably sacked for fight with manager of neighbouring farm
Pair justifiably sacked for fight with manager of neighbouring farm

A father and son who worked on a kiwifruit orchard were justifiably dismissed after getting into a fight with the manager…

Disabled man paid less than minimum wage for car yard work
Disabled man paid less than minimum wage for car yard work

A disabled man who was paid less than minimum wage for his work at a car sales yard has been awarded more than $6000 in…

Building a billionaire
Building a billionaire

Sometimes, all you need is one person. One person to inspire you, one person to believe in you, who gets where you're at…


Peter Lyons: Casualised labour no production panacea
Peter Lyons: Casualised labour no production panacea

If people feel they are being treated as disposable units of labour then outcomes will suffer, writes…

Aged care's low-paid workforce

Caregivers do tasks few could stomach, often for minimal wages, report Simon Collins and Martin Johnston.

Tourism firms hunt hard for staff: report

Tourism firms find it up to 15 per cent more difficult finding staff than the New Zealand average, according to a government…

Workplace bullying can cause real harm

Workplace bullying is harmful and someone who is being bullied should not accept it as something "normal", writes Val Leveson…

Volcanic fallout over money loss
Volcanic fallout over money loss

A property developer who went bankrupt owing $32m is being taken to the Employment Relations Authority…

Employment Archives


Insider trial ordered for Airbus, Daimler execs Insider trial ordered for Airbus, Daimler execs

A French court has ordered a trial for carmaker Daimler…

Making the most of your board Making the most of your board

SME owners often don't understand the need for, or…

More Management

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